ass or tiddies hc

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senku, chrome, gen, ukyo, kohaku, taiju, yuzuriha, ginro, kinro, ruri tsukasa, hyoga • 0.2k
|drabble, a little suggestive
[ is this a shitpost ? yes . yes it is . ]


senku - doesn't care, or in his words "they're just body parts? 🤨😟"

chrome - i feel like he doesn't have a preference bcs he just likes both equally lmao

gen - tiddies. just. idk just look at him. he looks like the type to press his hands against s/o's chest when cuddling just for the comfort of it.

ukyo - definitely ass, yes.

kohaku - tiddies <33

taiju - yuzuriha 🧍‍♂️. jk i think he prefers ass

yuzuriha - probably thinks like senku, cuz they're just body parts? but she thinks her ass is pretty

ginro - like chrome, he doesn't care. "tiddies are tiddies! ass is ass!" type of mentality

kinro - probably ass but i think he won't admit it 💀 he's probably the kind of person who goes "i don't care" or "i love them equal" but then you catch him staring at asses lmao

ruri - doesn't care. also has no idea why is this even a debate.

tsukasa - hmm... i'd say tiddies. actually likes both but tiddies is like 0.00001% more than ass

hyoga - ass. i mean.. the moment his name pops up, i can see him staring at his s/o's butt as they walk away akjsjssbg 💀


so many asses lmao

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