ginro | he knows

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ginro x reader (they/them prns) • 0.5k
|romantic; fluff? angst?
[ ginro's perspective of falling in love w you :) ]

hmm i have mixed feelings abt this piece but here u go lol

hmm i have mixed feelings abt this piece but here u go lol

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he doesn't know when it started. he tried racking through his memories with you but there wasn't any particular scenario that stood out to him. nothing reminded him of a "baam!" or some sort on how he started viewing you in a romantic light. maybe kinro was wrong.

but kinro's words rang in his mind, "i've seen the way you look at them. don't deny it, you like them"

and it was so fucking loud.

'he's wrong', he decided, giving in to the calls of slumber in hopes that by the next morning, he would forget all of it.


he did not forget them.

oblivious to his thoughts, you placed your arm around his shoulders, your hand on his cheek as you squished them,

"good morning ginro!"

and he felt his heart stopped. you were so close to him, if only he took a step forward, he surely would've been able to kis- wait. why is he even thinking of kissing you? you're just his best friend. and you certainly are not one of the most gorgeous people he ever met.

you're just you. you're not some sort of a god like ruri, he assured himself. but the familiarity of these feelings said otherwise.

he was scared alright. he didn't think falling in love with you was possible but he thought that it's ridiculous how these emotions did not feel new to him. it did not feel like the first time he encountered senku: the feeling all so foreign and gave him a weird tingling.

these sensation, they felt more like a blanket, the purpose being to keep him stay warm- duh. except he tossed it away, thinking the cold doesn't bother him as his teeth chattered through the night.

he grimaced internally. of course. he's a dumb person. of course only now that kinro pointed it out, only then he recognized it. he realized that he never bothered listened to his heartbeat every time he's with you. how it goes out of rythm, sometimes stops and sometimes too fast.

the sense of warmth left him as he noticed that your arm had left his shoulders. you're now in front of him with arms crossed, your expression morphed into one of confusion,

"dude you're okay?"

a boisterous laugh came out of him, hands on his hips as he kept the feelings tucked safely in his heart,

"HAHAHHA you're talking to a bodyguard here, of course i'm okay HAHAHAHA after all i am the strongest out there"

snorting, you slapped his side. he hissed for a moment before pouting at you, "that hurted? you know" "yeah right, the strongest person out there" and you both broke into a fit of giggles.

it's alright he supposed.

now that he knows it's love, he's going to cherish his time with you even more.

he does not know if he would confess or if he even has a chance in the first place to be with you but that's a future him problem. he's not going to fret over it now- he's fretting later during the night lol. he does not know if with this knowledge, you both will each go a different path or he will achieve his dream of calling you his.

but he does not care.

for mutual or not, his feelings would stay the same.


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