kohaku | pink daisies

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kohaku x reader (no prns) • 0.5k
|romantic; fluff
[ very poorly written , reader confess through pink daisies n a letter ]

i. have. a. HUGE. CRUSH. on. kohaku. AAAAAAAAAAAA


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"will this even work..." you sighed, looking down at the three stems in your hand.

gen grinned mischievously, "of course it will. i am, afterall the asagiri gen", he emphasised the 'the'. you bit the inside of your cheek. you had asked gen for any confession advices since it seemed that he's the only one fitting for that role- you had contemplated to ask chrome too but looking at how he only stares at ruri from afar, maybe not.

you pursed your lips for a moment, "but gen, kohaku won't understand the language of flowers" "and so do you" an irk mark appeared on your face at his response.

"and that's why you need to write a letter too~!" he continued cheerfully.


"that's too embarassing!!"

"then it'll be useless because she won't understand your message, unless you wanna say it yourself you know" he poked your shoulders playfully. you thought about it for a moment before deciding, "yeah... i think i'll write instead"

gen bringed back his hands together and smiled, "it doesn't have to be long, just write it however you want"

he then looked at you in amusement "(y/n)-chan, it's really interesting to see this side of you. you're usually more like this", he attempted a serious face, "you know, the kinro kind"

"it's good to know you have a side like this, seems like i can tease you more" two horns popped out of his head as you smiled sinisterly, "my hands feel kind of empty right now, do you mind being slapped?" cue gen's




you're here.

what. what now.

it was the next morning and the first thing you did was walking up to kohaku's house. you could already see your soul leaving your body, your hands were feeling sweaty. as if that wasn't enough, your heart kept beating way too fast to your liking.

this is it.

you're going to confess, oh my god.

will she even like this..

what if she-

"oh, good morning (y/n). what brings you here?" fuck.

you collected yourself in a heartbeat before smiling, "here"

"huh?" she took the letter and the three stems of pink daisies intertwining with each other from your hand. her eyes skimmed the words written,


the flowers you're holding is called pink daisies, meaning..

pure love.

so aha
i love you,
will you go out with me?'

minutes of silence took over as you internally sweatdropped. you waved your hand in front of her, "it's okay if you don't want to, no hard feelings" she furrowed her eyebrows at you before letting out a boisterous laugh.

"do you seriously think- pfft HAHAHAHG" she wiped her tears for a second,

"do you seriously think i don't love you?"


your cheeks feel.. tingly.

and not long after, your lips slowly curves into a smile. watching her holding her knees, still laughing, you couldn't stop the warmth sensation blooming in your heart.

from afar, gen sniffed into his haori, proud that his advice worked. not that they never worked anyway.


i can't write a goddamn love letter for life 😬💀

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