ukyo | shoot your shot! (like literally)

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ukyo x fem!reader (no prns) • 0.7k
|romantic; fluff
[ asking out through archery !!! , ukyo is somewhat ooc idk , he's also an ass in here (he apologises dw) , some archery-related words; quiver = the bag where u put arrows, pinhole = the most center on archery target round thgy ]
requested by corruqtion

7k|romantic; fluff [ asking out through archery !!! , ukyo is somewhat ooc idk , he's also an ass in here (he apologises dw) , some archery-related words; quiver = the bag where u put arrows, pinhole = the most center on archery target round thgy ...

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it's the end of your usual training session with ukyo. you had asked for his assistance in archery since you thought it would definitely be a benefit for the science kingdom to have not one, but two archers. initially you wanted to learn fighting hands-on from kohaku but seeing as she's already got two students in her hands, you low-key felt guilty and opted for archery instead.

at first, ukyo was just a mere acquintance for you. but perhaps months of lessons with just the two of you had made you catch feelings for the green-eyed guy somewhere along the line.

while you remain professional about it, ukyo had been the complete opposite. ah yes, he caught on. it's ukyo after all. you've been ignoring his advances because it's not like he blatantly flirts with you out in the open or anything like that. he only does these when it's you and him. just, a touch here and there. a little wink here and there. but this? oh, you hate this move the most.

leaning his back against a tree, he smiles deviously, "leaving already? you still need to practice more you know". you let out a scoff, holding yourself back from rolling your eyes as you adjust your quiver and attempt to walk pass him when he once again opens that annoying mouth, "you did get high scores but it was a little unconsistent than yesterday's". ukyo and the bullshit he spews. you don't resist the urge to eye roll this time as you whip your body back and march straight towards him. throwing caution off the wind, you let the words roll off your tongue,

"you just want to spend more time with me don't you?"

ukyo doesn't flinch at your outburst, simply looking at you and you almost feel the regret forming at the pit of your stomach. almost, before he breaks the silence,

"and what's so wrong with that?"

and with the way ukyo is staring at you, you're sure you're hearing sirens somewhere in your head. still, he definitely needs a lesson so you reply with a sigh instead, "but you can't do that. i've worked hard today and did well. you can't just add extra hours for personal reasons, however smooth that was. instead, just ask me out like a normal person if you want to so much". he lightly nods, his head ducked a little afterwards and you're about to get closer to check if he's okay when he abruptly shoots his head up, startling you in the process. he waits a while for you to calm down and then he speaks, "i'm sorry, you're right. but asking away just like that won't be fun so...", he continues when you prompt him to,

"if i hit the pinhole, would you date me?"

"but you always hit them?",

you furrow your eyebrows at him and ukyo's lips turns into a smirk. 

oh. oh.

"yeah- yes. i'd go out with you if you can do that", it came out in a mutter and you want to knock your head for it, how embarassing.. ukyo pays little mind to it though, pushing himself from the bark and immediately searching for the nearest target. when he does, he calls for you and points at it. he starts fixing his stance once you approach his side, hands swiftly moving to his bow and arrow just as he did hundreds of times before. you intently watch the arrow head and your gaze slides to his face when you notice that he purposely pauses his shoot.

throwing you a wink, ukyo mouths a "for you" and that's when you hear the swoosh.

if it hadn't been for you being so flustered, you would have notice that his arrow had indeed pierce through the pinhole. not like you need to check anyway. since ukyo gives your clothing a little tug and a nod towards the village, "now let's go, girlfriend"


hi. please forgive me for being so late :'D

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