gen | love is in the flowers

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florist!gen x reader (no prns) • 1.7k
|romantic: fluff, modern au, bffs to lovers au
[ gen being lovesick , low-key "some" , new-year themed idc if it's late , mini make out sesh ig , probably innacurate flowers' meanings , one metaphor (?) with the word kill , 2nd hand embarassment ]
requested by stxrskiez

7k|romantic: fluff, modern au, bffs to lovers au[ gen being lovesick , low-key "some" , new-year themed idc if it's late , mini make out sesh ig , probably innacurate flowers' meanings , one metaphor (?) with the word kill , 2nd hand embarassment ...

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if ur still waiting, it's finally here~! tysm for requesting, im sorry it took so long 😭😭 hope u'll like it :) also i changed it a bit to fit more into the bffs vibes

if ur still waiting, it's finally here~! tysm for requesting, im sorry it took so long 😭😭 hope u'll like it :) also i changed it a bit to fit more into the bffs vibes

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it's one week to new years when gen invites you to his flower shop. it's nothing out of the usual since you frequently visit his place, being the supportive best friend that you are. you still remember the flower shop's first opening: gen was the happiest you've seen him, eyes twinkling with pure adoration towards the place. and it's gag-material but you swear amongst all of the flowers, he was still the prettiest one. correction. he is still the prettiest one.

today however, he insists on teaching you the language of flowers. of course you did ask him here and there but only a few stuck to your mind at the end of the day. "and that's why i need to teach you. you come to this place like how many times already? almost every day! on another note, you should really start spending your money on spoiling me instead of my flowers, where do you even keep them?" he nags, fixing you with a pointed look.

"it's a love language, gen. buying your flowers. also don't worry, i still keep like half of them in my house. the other half i gave it to strangers", gen's expression falters a little at your response and tinges of pink hues make their way towards his cheeks.

he pretends to cough before continuing, "right, thank you. anyway my point is, you come here everyday but you know so little about my babies", he sighs, "and that's just downright disrespectful so here i am, lo and behold, in front of you this afternoon to give you the lessons myself!!" you give out an awkward 'sure', not entirely in for squishing too much information into your brain. but your best friend is grinning so hard that it's just impossible for you to say no.

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