kohaku | hey love

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kohaku x reader (no prns) • 0.2k
|romantic; fluff, drabble, established relationship au
[ in which you just want cuddles in the morning ]

a lil fluff drabble bcs hws are being so toxic with me 😟🙄 can't wait to break up smh

a lil fluff drabble bcs hws are being so toxic with me 😟🙄 can't wait to break up smh

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"kohaku..~" you mumble out groggily, hands reaching out in random directions as you no longer feel the warmth of your lover. she gives you a look and rolls her eyes affectionately.

she finishes changing her clothes and goes back to where you're at, her lips coming into contact with your forehead as you only groan louder. "you're going out alreadyyy~?" you yawn and snuggle closer to the blanket. "yeah, like i usually do every morning" she shakes her head at your little tantrum.

"stay.... ~~

my love, my world, my sunshine, the love of my life, a goddess, my partner, the most beautiful and amazing people in the entire world," you pauses to turn to her and do your outmost best attempt at 'Operation : Bat Your Eyelashes Cutely And She'll Give In', "can you please stay with me?"

kohaku lets out a little 'tsk' and walks away from you. you blink in shock as you sink yourself further into the blanket, pouting to yourself. but then, the bed dips. and not long after, you feel her hand reaching out from the back before they loop around your waist. she places her forehead onto your back and sighs in contentment.

you turn around excitedly, "babe!" and you note that your girlfriend is now back into her sleepwear. "don't be so loud, i thought you wanted to cuddle" she grumbled in fake annoyance, more so when you place your head in the crook of her neck.

"hehe i love you"

"yeah yeah i love you too"


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