ukyo | a little more

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ukyo x reader (no prns) • 0.3k
|romantic; fluff, established relationship au, modern au
[ dancing in the rain :) ]
requested by callmeNoor8

3k|romantic; fluff, established relationship au, modern au[ dancing in the rain :) ]requested by callmeNoor8

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it's short but it's my favourite so far ehe hope you enjoy it as much as i do <3 happy valentines mwahh!! ♡

it's short but it's my favourite so far ehe hope you enjoy it as much as i do <3 happy valentines mwahh!! ♡

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falling in love with ukyo has always been an easy feat for you. he makes it a second nature to you. effortless just like that.

you think it's impossible to fall in deeper and yet here you are under the rain, in the middle of a (fortunately empty) road a few blocks down the cafe you just went on a date to, hands intertwined with him and bodies swaying awkwardly in what should be a romantic slow dance. his emerald eyes stare back at you and you make no effort to resist the urge to laugh so hard you almost misstep your foot. again. there's a slight nose scrunch visible on his face and he mirrors you, the corners of his lips curving upwards.

one step, two step, a few more steps and he stops.

he lets the sound of rain hitting the ground fill both of your ears before he finds the courage to lean in and gently places his forehead on yours. it's impossible to fall in deeper on your third year of dating yet here he is, leaning in a little closer so that your noses are touching. a little closer so that you can count his eyelashes. a little closer so that you can feel little puffs of hot air hitting your skin. you close your eyes, relishing in the moment, fingers untangling only to hold his back a little tighter.

ukyo's heart soften at the scene playing. there weren't words shared but he knows you're currently letting yourself be vulnerable with him. and he can only hope you could hear the sound of his heartbeat despite the pitter-patter.


he's so ugh i wanna stuff his face with kisses oml

i originally wanted to post three for today but we'll see if i can bcs i'm actually not feeling well right now but i'll try again in the evening ^^

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