gen, ruri | comforting trans reader h̶c̶s̶ canon

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gen, ruri x reader (no prns) • 0.3k
|platonic; angst, comfort
[ had a breakdown bcs ive come to terms that my irl bffs will always see me as my agab n not as an agender so i wrote this , i hope all my trans readers who ever felt that kind of pain will be somewhat comforted by this :) , y/g/i = your gender identity ]



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- it had taken everything for you to not let your tears slip

- you've heard of people saying "but it's not their fault, they're trying?" and you know that but what is so hard about comprehending you being a trans when you did not change anything about yourself?

- but gen immediately brings you into a hug, and lets your head hide in the crook of his neck and you immediately breakdown

- he makes no attempt to shake you off when his clothes got too wet from you crying, only continue to rubbing circles on your back as you mumble in frustration

- delicately wiping away your tears with his sleeves, he softly smiles at you.

- "you're so valid, y/n. i'm sorry they hurt you, you're nothing but a y/g/i."


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- immediately wears a frown when you tell her it's stupid because it couldn't be helped

- "no such things. you have always been, is and will forever be a y/g/i. they can go to hell."

- you let out a chuckle in the midst of your vent at her unexpected choice of word, but she continues, grabbing your hand

- "they're so wrong for that. not once, twice, but multiple times too! i'm so sorry you went through that."

- and the next day, when she makes sure to speak up whenever you couldn't in fear of ruining the atmosphere, you had to stop yourself from bawling right there and then

- "y/n is a y/g/i, so stop referring to y/n as anything else."


not proofread, was too busy crying so sorry if its ass :/

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