senku | this is nice

4.3K 105 36

senku x reader (no prns, the term 'wife' is used) • 1.3k
|romantic; fluff, humour, established relationship au
[ senku's plan to propose gets spoiled bcs of certain ppl 😒 , reader is easily flustered , prob 2nd hand embarassment , senku being a cheeky ass ]
requested by HiThereItsSeKai

3k|romantic; fluff, humour, established relationship au[ senku's plan to propose gets spoiled bcs of certain ppl 😒 , reader is easily flustered , prob 2nd hand embarassment , senku being a cheeky ass ]requested by HiThereItsSeKai

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reader is a bit slow here (like me lol) also ty for requesting senku! <3 bcs this was a good push for me to start writing senku ehe

reader is a bit slow here (like me lol) also ty for requesting senku! <3 bcs this was a good push for me to start writing senku ehe

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you take notice of the knowing look on gen's face, the supressed chuckles from ginro and the shared gazes between all of them. you're about to settle on the idea of them planning a prank on you but you take a closer look and kohaku and ruri are also in the scheme, whispering amongst themselves while giggling at you.

that's strange.

you don't let it get to you however as you continue your strides to chrome's storehouse, carrying a basket filled with herbs you've found all morning. then, a voice calls out to you, "hey senku's wife! how much did you get?", a mischievous tilt to the question more than it being genuine curiosity.

you stop.


"EEHHHH???" you shriek out, almost loosening your grip on the basket as you immediately crouch down in an attempt to hide your face. because that was just so.. out of the blue??@(#--- not that you mind it of course but HUHH??

you fail to notice the laughters echoing from ginro and gen, followed by a loud smack afterwards. gently putting down the basket, you fan yourself in an attempt to cool down but the effort proved to fail as a giddy smile tugs on your lips.

wife huh?


it's not until lunch that you meet senku. settling on a warm porridge for your meal, you scoop the porridge from the big pot into your bowl. carefully, a hand lightly touches your waist as senku reaches out to take a bowl from behind you.

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