kinro | don't look at me like that!

1K 35 7

kinro x reader (no prns) • 0.5k
|romantic; fluff, slight angst
[ sunshine x cold trope because WOOO , childhood friends au , just realized i dont have one for kinro yet ☹ kind of funny though bcs i have a lot of drafts dedicated to him 💀 ]

5k|romantic; fluff, slight angst[ sunshine x cold trope because WOOO , childhood friends au , just realized i dont have one for kinro yet ☹ kind of funny though bcs i have a lot of drafts dedicated to him 💀 ]

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was it the way he holds on to his beliefs? or was it the way he takes every matter seriously─ which you fnd yourself going to him for childish rants about how the weather is too hot or how the skies has to be stupidly pretty at night. or was it because of his annoyingly good-looking face? or was it all of the above?

you don't realize when you fell in love but somewhere along the line of being childhood friends and spending an awful lots of time together, you did.

and from that moment onwards, his occasional stare at you bothers you more than it should have. it's a habit he picks up from being a bodyguard. looking out for everyone had become a second nature to him. which is why you tell yourself you don't stand a chance.

because kinro looks at you the same way he looks at everyone else.

"sorry. did i stare too long?"

ah. talk about timing.

with a shake of your head, you brush his concern off. "nah, don't worry about it. it's not you, was just thinking about something." "something?," he enquires. and here goes nothing.

"do you have someone you like?"

his eyes widen momentarily before he purses his lips. "that's unexpected..─," he scans his surroundings and at the lack of his twin's presence, he continues. "─but i do." and you want to slap your mouth so hard when a direct 'who' left your lips like a loose cage.

kinro's eyes bore into yours for a few seconds, a blank expression on his face. "why do you want to know?" you feel heat slightly creeping up your cheeks when you awkwardly smile. "aren't we childhood friends? i don't know, isn't that normal?"

"y/n." he simply says.

your eyebrows furrow in confusion. "yeah? who is it?" he turns to you in slight disbelief, eyes slowly blinking as he mutters something under his breath. you watch as he hides his face behind his hand─ another habit of his, this time not out of his job, and he only does this when he's super embarrased which to say the least, happens like twice in a lifetime.

he gives you a glance. "i said it already. i like y/n." and you feel like a deer caught in headlights when the excitement suddenly bubbles inside you.

so he does like you back?!??

it slips past your mind that his face is red, you're too busy minding your own heartbeat when you smile at him.

"and it just so happens i like kinro too."

you let out a chuckle when he instantly whips his head the other way, the tips of his ears are becoming insanely redder. and when ginro comes back from his rest, confused with kinro not daring to hold eye contact with you, you only giggle. "nothing." you walk away to find the others, not before planting a kiss on kinro's cheeks. and now he has to deal with ginro's teasing for at least two months. great.

but perhaps.. he doesn't mind it if you.. do it again?


was laughing when the title reminded me of this one funny audio so i added an exclamation mark
+ goofy ahh kinro 🤕

was laughing when the title reminded me of this one funny audio so i added an exclamation mark+ goofy ahh kinro 🤕

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