ginro | signal

706 22 11

ginro x reader (no prns) • 0.5k
|romantic; fluff, a bit angst
[ ginro has a staring problem , mentions of death as metaphor , it's valentines WOOOO (i'm sorry this is so late omfg) , ginro's pov at first n then reader's ]
requested by -Escandalosa-

5k|romantic; fluff, a bit angst[ ginro has a staring problem , mentions of death as metaphor , it's valentines WOOOO (i'm sorry this is so late omfg) , ginro's pov at first n then reader's ]requested by -Escandalosa-

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A CUTIE INDEED 😭💖💞 sorry this ended up somewhat sad 😭😭 so have a sleeping ginro as an apology 🙆

A CUTIE INDEED 😭💖💞 sorry this ended up somewhat sad 😭😭 so have a sleeping ginro as an apology 🙆

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ginro doesn't remember the last time he was this lucky. he doesn't remember the last time his head feels so light-headed or the last time his palms were this sweaty. but as you're seated opposite him, looking all dazzling, he couldn't help it that his eyes keep trailing to your figure every so often. in his head, his actions are all sly and you're going to fall in love with him when you catch his eyes. yet when you do, you only open your mouth and stare back with a huff,

"ginro, stop staring at me. it's your turn already"

huh? oh, right. he nearly forgets the topic on hand. everyone decided to take a break from working and sat in a circle, and gen opened the conversation with asking everyone's ideal type, adding something along the lines of "since it's valentines". ginro doesn't hesitate when he answers and a beam is visible on his face, "pretty girls of course! don't you like it when they just do things prettily?" and echoes of boos followed right after as he simply chuckles it off.

it's something that has been on the tip of his tongue for the longest time and he has no shame in admitting it. not like there's any fault in his type. and sometimes, he hears people talking about how shallow that is. he understands but somehow he doesn't. what's so wrong with a simple answer? does a complicated one makes someone even cooler? truthfully, he doesn't really care when people critics his answer. sure, it'll make him cry here and there because words hurt. but it's not really something to mull over.

he doesn't really care..... until you're the one nodding your head slowly and gaze casting to the ground.

did i.. do something wrong?

the laughters and chatters of his friends grow silent on his ears, entering into an ear and leaving through the other. are you perhaps, upset? why would you even be in the first place? unless you like him...─ no. no way. what is even there to like about him? he's childish, and his mindset is lacking and he's always running away and there he goes, repeating what people often tell him. so much for not caring. a sigh escapes his lips and only when he rakes in his surroundings, he realizes that the conversation is almost coming to an end. he glances over to the last one in the circle: ruri who's covering her face, chrome beside her with hues of red dusting on his cheeks. he fails to notice that by the time he does so, your eyes is on him and an involuntary 'oh' falls past your lips.

senku puts a finish to everyone's teasing, standing up as he announces that the break time is over and they start leaving the place one by one. you on the other hand, sits still, looking ahead into the distance. he gets to his feet and turns around, "do you want to go together?" did he sound okay? do you think he's charming now? his lips turn downwards when you reply softly, "no, it's okay. you can go first. i want to be alone for a while"

and for a moment, he considers it. if he should just spill his feelings right at that second. even so, he stops himself. how would that even help you? he's not even sure if you like him. and are you even upset because of him? so he takes a step away, a second, but his eyes betray him when they peek another glance. with your head now pressed on your knee, legs folded up, he doesn't think he bears to take another step.


you ignore the sound of footsteps approaching you. it's probably senku or kaseki, coming back to nag you to start working. it reaches you and for a minute, there's silence before some rustlings were heard. you were so ready to just let them bite your ears off with their talk. but you're taken into surprise when an arm circles your shoulder and suddenly your head is bumped sideways to a chest. you slightly lift your head, noting the familiar long yellow locks and your heart immediately stutters.

there's a pause before you feel his body slightly rumbles, "pretty and cute girls are nice but.... what's most important is i have to like them first" huh? "and why are you telling me this?" you almost feel awkward at the lack of response from him so you tilt your head upwards to ask when he instantly shoves your head down, the friction making you hiss. he sputters, registering what he did spontaneously, "shit- fuck- i'm so sorry! i'm so sorry!! you just make me nervous sometimes!"

oh. he's done it.

he musters up the courage for the next bit, ready for whatever that is about to come. but when your eyes meet again, there's a gleam in yours, "only sometimes?". he feels a surge of heat creeping up his face from your teasing and the close proximity, and it slips past his mind that his warm face was what made him accidentally push you away in the first place. turning his face away, he laughs, "kidding! i was just kidding! i only wanted to cheer you up you kn-" "stop lying, your face is still red"

there's really no saving it now.

ginro's voice grows extremely quiet when he finally gives in. "i like you. are you happy now?". ginro thinks this is when he'll die. while hugging you, out of embarassment and the whole village is going to laugh at how pathetic of a death that is. you're going to think that he's lame an─ his train of thoughts comes to a halt when he feels your fingertips brushing on his free hand. you bring it to your lips, resting your head deeper onto his torso, "very much".

he'll die a thousand times if it this is what death feels like.


i write for m!ik n tokyo rev too if anyone wants to know but it's on tumblr @/gennabi 😪💖

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