gen | first kiss hc

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gen x reader (no prns) • 0.2k
|romantic; fluff, drabble
[ giggling screaming type of shit idk ]

i miss him sm :'))
nothg happened lol, i just miss him sm

i miss him sm :')) nothg happened lol, i just miss him sm

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- we all know he's a big tease

- so his first kiss w u would be just a session of him teasing u which somehow ended up w a kiss

- he'd be like "r u sure ur not falling for me?" to which u make a disgusted face in return

- but a moment later, u feel his hand cupping ur face

- "cuz i'm totally falling for u"

- boom

- u died

- he would chuckle at ur reaction for a whole damn minute before smiling softly at u

- then he leans in

- peck

- "do u... like that?"

- but he doesn't need an answer when he sees u unconsciously grins to urself

- so he leaned in again, this time longer

- kiss

- and again

- kiss

- he likes to kiss ur lips the most but it's mostly just pecks cuz he finds it cute lol

- he's prolly into pda so wouldn't rlly mind of kissing u in front of others

- on days where u initiate, his face would be so red as he giggles into the kiss

- it was funny n cute how whipped he is for u

- gen loves it when u peppers his cheeks w kisses, it makes him feel so beloved

- so go give him a kith rn >:)


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