chrome | mornings with you

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chrome x reader (no prns) • 0.6k
|romantic; fluff, domestic, established relationship au
[ sleepy couple , a very affectionate one too , reader likes ramen , kohaku n suika has a cameo lol ]
requested by Cryinfexe

6k|romantic; fluff, domestic, established relationship au[ sleepy couple , a very affectionate one too , reader likes ramen , kohaku n suika has a cameo lol ]requested by Cryinfexe

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ty for waiting so patiently! 😭💖 i keep rewriting so i hope this one did him justice :'))

ty for waiting so patiently! 😭💖 i keep rewriting so i hope this one did him justice :'))

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you yawn as your struggle to open your eyes. with sunlight peeking through the walls, you are so not ready to start the day. it's a good thing they don't have school in this era you suppose but it wouldn't hurt to sleep all day right?

blinking your eyes slowly, you were met with chrome's leg inches from yours. wow, what a sight indeed. and then upon having more consciousness, you felt the grip on your right leg. you lazily turn your head downwards as you notice chrome holding your leg tightly as if his life is depending on it, all the while releasing a loud snore.

how the hell did you not even hear that in the first place, you don't know. perhaps you were just too sleepy.

remind me why did i date him again?

smiling mischievously, you look at chrome in amusement. then you start shaking your right leg violently, screaming "HELP! SOMEONE'S KIDNAPPING ME!!" the sudden jerk awakes the poor boy as he confusingly looks around, mumbling a "babe? where are you?" "AHHHHHH" "SHIT, I'LL SAVE YOU (Y/N)"

now half awake, he dropped your leg by accident as you retreated, looking at your s/o rushing to the door but trips on the blanket.

not being able to hold back the laughter, you let out the ugliest laugh ever as you clutch your stomach in pain. furrowing his eyebrows, he turns around and slowly gets up. a solid five minutes passed before he suddenly widens his eyes, piecing the situation altogether, "right, keep laughing. there will be no ramen for you"


that fast?, he thought.

"you're so mean (y/n), you're lucky i love you" he shakes his head as he peels the blanket off him before your hand reaches out to tug his shirt.

"hmm?" he turns to you as you pull his shirt down, your lips brushing his in a swift motion. "you almost forgot your morning kiss, babe" you grin.

a pink dust cover his cheeks as he softly chuckles, "thanks, i'll make sure the ramen is really good" patting your head, he walks away. mornings with chrome are literally the best mornings you ever have. oh how lucky he is to have you. kidding (not)


"how did it suddenly went from 2 to 4?" chrome inspects the two new figures seated in front of him.

"i thought (y/n) was in danger" kohaku explains nonchalantly, already twirling the ramen with her chopsticks. "and i tagged along!" suika adds cheerfully. chrome deadpans at that, feeling his jelly hands from cooking dissipating into air. (dramatic but okay)

meanwhile you awwed at them. that was really sweet of them. "hey kohaku wanna dat-" you pause when you feel chrome nudging you, rolling your eyes playfully at his slight pout. "are you jealous chrome the science user?" you coo.

kohaku almost chokes on her food. not this shit again.

"oh! i know! you want me to feed you~?" a smirk plastered on your face as you watch chrome lets out a sigh, "not now please" "oh. so you do want me to feed you?" "oh god" he smacks his face but your heart jumps a little when he didn't made any attempt to deny it.

you bring your chair closer to him, peeling his hand off his face. he watches as you gently put your head on his shoulder. "nevermind, i'll just sleep then" you whisper lazily. he places a quick kiss on your head, "eat first (y/n)" "mmhm mmhm"

"chrome, (y/n)'s already sleeping" kohaku informs, a hint of tenderness in her voice from watching her friend being so comfortable with someone.

"maybe you can freeze the ramen and eat it later" suika suggests, still not knowing how to feel about the couple- that was one hella affectionate one.

"or i can give it to ruri, that sounds good too" kohaku chirped in.

(y/n)'s awake.


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