ukyo | a night routine

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ukyo x fem!reader (no prns) • 0.8k
|romantic; fluff
[ stargazing with ukyo <3 , one mention of dying but /lh ]
requested by yelenaistall

oh to stargaze with ukyo

oh to stargaze with ukyo

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ukyo saionji.

you weren't that suprised when you learned that you had a crush on him. i mean.. look at him.

you however couldn't control your surprise when you did that.


you lost count on how many days has it been since you got depretified but this is the nth time you're out here laying your back on the grass as you closed your eyes in content. nights always seem so soothing when it ended like this.

and of course ukyo had to join you.

he had been joining you for a few days actually and not that you mind, he's a peaceful being so he doesn't really disrupt the calming atmosphere of your routine so you just let him be. sometimes he talks but often, he just lays there and close his eyes too.

you don't know when and why it started but you couldn't care less, it was sort of a cute routine of you two.

"how long do you think we will have to wait until it's normal?" he started, his voice came out as a whisper.

"until after we die duh" you chuckled humourlessly.

he lets out a hmm, seemingly content with your answer.

and then, it was silent again. you slowly opened your eyes, your sight immediately welcomed by the world canvas filled with shiny splashed dots called stars. no name popped up into your head: you wish you knew what each star means. you really admire people with such knowledge. all you do is just think that it's pretty. but frankly, that's okay too.

you don't think it's necessary for people to know every bits of information to appreciate something.

you stared and stared at the stars. nights have always been so lonely for you ever since the stone age and you assumed everyone had it rough too: you have no one to sneak into the kitchen with on 4am to eat late night snacks anymore. oh how you missed how the world used to be. which is why you were so grateful for the presence beside you.

"ukyo.." you called out, moving your body to face him.

he opened his eyes and looked at you, his eyebrow raised to urge you to continue.

"can we do this every night?"

ukyo has unexceptionally great hearing skills. he however was not prepared for the sound of your heart aching. he stared at you as you continued,

"i know you always come here but.. can we have some sort of a promise so i know you'd always be here?"

you watched as he averted his eyes back to the sky, seemingly to be in his thoughts. you watched as his chest rises and falls as your question remains hanging in the air.

you were totally not prepared when he suddenly lets out a boisterous laugh. some part of you were so confused - what's so funny about it? and the other piece of you longs to hear his laugh more. it makes you at home in a way.

you're not exaggerating but it feels like whenever ukyo laughs, you forget how sad you were for a while.

and knowing you're the one who caused it, a slight smile tugs on your lips.

ukyo turns to you, "i thought that's what we're doing?" and as his eyes stared at you for a second longer than usual, you tried to ignore how quick your heartbeat had became from the eye contact. he sighs and smiles to himself, "though it is reassuring to have some sort of a promise"

"so.. a promise right?" he holds out his pinkie finger to you.

you gaze at his finger as you slowly intertwine yours with his and you barely notice the slight pink on his cheeks as you also were kinda dying inside from the contact.

he lies back on his back as you mutter out a 'thank you'.

what would it feel like to hold his hand?

you internally facepalms yourself at the thought. calm down. you just intwertwined his pinkie with yours and that's already a good process! don't be too greedy yet! calm down. calm down.

calm down.

yeah who are you kidding? fuck that.

pursing your lips, you reach out for his hand, your fingers just barely touching his. he jolts a little from the gesture as his gaze lands on your face. your face heats up at his intense stare as you struggled to speak what's on your mind,

"do.. do you mind?" you gestured towards your hand, chuckling nervously.

he continues to stare at you and you feel like shrinking yourself into the deepest core of the earth when you feel his fingers intertwine with yours.

"nope. not at all"


you squealed at the memory.

while you were glad you did that, you were still freaking confused over what had happened. where did that surge of confidence even came from?

though as you noticed a yellow hat comes into your view, you can't help but to break into a smile.


on another note, i should rlly write a chapter for the mc by now LMAOAO

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