tsukasa | remorse

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tsukasa x reader (she/her prns) • 0.9k
|romantic; angst, v little fluff
[ reader is very nurturing , basc falling in love but in angst ]
requested by tiaraaach_

while re-editing, i just realized all my fem readers r rlly, gn readers but past me was so scared for life of changing even a little of the requests  until i saw other writers do whatever they want 😭💀

while re-editing, i just realized all my fem readers r rlly, gn readers but past me was so scared for life of changing even a little of the requests  until i saw other writers do whatever they want 😭💀

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tsukasa thinks you're stupid.

you were one of the first to be revived by senku due to being one of his close friends. he knows you're sided with senku on the "reviving everyone" bs because boy did you make that very clear.

he noticed your softened gaze whenever you're passing by those w̶o̶r̶t̶h̶l̶e̶s̶s̶  petrified people: he can literally feel your heart shattering at the sight. and how you would make sure everyone eats first so that the food is enough for everyone but never seem to be bothered about how little food is left for you. it was clear to him that you value people and by people, he meant everyone.

so why when he parted with senku, you followed him?


tsukasa thinks you're really stupid.

when tsukasa attempted to take yuzuriha as a hostage, your face was unreadable. you sent him a piercing gaze, muttering a low yet firm 'let her go'. when he cut her hair, you furrowed your eyebrows before relaxing them as soon as she said that it was easier for her now.

the way you pursed your lips so hard as your eyes threaten to water, he would never forget that look. for that somehow made his heart cracked a little bit.

but tsukasa isn't stupid.

he knew that those emotions weren't going to help him in any way to achieve his goal. it was just a hindrance. he didn't need that.

you quickly caught hold of yuzuriha as he pushed her to the ground. your hands immediately looped around yuzuriha's neck as you muttered strings of "i'm glad" and "thank god".

as he killed senku, the tears you managed to hold in swiftly rolled down your cheeks. you watched in horror as you feel your feet stuck onto the ground.

yuzuriha escaped your embrace as she ran, reaching out for senku as senku falls. from a distance, you watched as taiju had senku in his embrace as he and yuzuriha were both begging for senku to come back to life. you couldn't withstand the sight longer so you dropped your gaze to the ground, your sight becoming more and more blurry as you silently weeped.

this can't be real...

senku.. is dead?




as the realization dawned on you, you cried harder. you can feel it. you can feel how the world is starting to get a little darker. a little... darker.. a world with no senku.. should you.. join him instead?

but then you were greeted with black smoke and not even a minute later, you feel your ears ringed so loud as you attempted to cover yourself from what you assumed to be an explosion. as the ground stopped shaking, you noticed tsukasa standing in front of you while facing you.

was he... protecting you?

your mouth trembled open to whisper a thank you but it soon closed when you decided he didn't deserve that. not after he did that.

tsukasa watched as you struggled to process the events that just happened and decided to not interrupt you. he expected you to throw a fit at him before running towards senku but you didn't budged at all. after a moment, you regained your composure and he was about to let you go to senku because you weren't a threat to his ideal society anyways.

but you followed him. again.

albeit there's a huge distance between you two as you walked behind him, you followed nonetheless.

what was it?

what was it that made you stick with him?

were you really that stupid?


tsukasa thinks you had to be the most stupid person he ever met.

months had passed and he already revived a somewhat huge amount of people. it was now lunch time so a group of his people showed up bruised all around, a usual sight to be seen as they had just finished hunting. tsukasa paid no mind to the bruises, thinking they were just small cuts after all and it'll heal over time.

though you didn't think the same way.

with a frown etched on your face, you approached the group as their posture relaxen at your arrival. with a decent knowledge you have in medication, you started treating to them, all while thanking them for their hard work.

thanking huh.

tsukasa never heard a thanks from you since the incident. how ironic it is because you're here known as the most grateful person in his kingdom.

it's not like he deserved it anyways, he thinks.

but his heart itched for something. he doesn't like it.


and before he knew it, he calls for you.

excusing yourself from the people huddling you, you made your way towards tsukasa. as you stood in front of him, you let out a 'what is it?' and just from that, he knew how more wary you had become towards him. and he honestly couldn't blame you one bit.

you observed as his right hand raised slowly, stopping for a moment before he reached towards your hair as he patted your head.  you met his gaze as he looks at you with a tender look though you exactly couldn't pinpoint why. he slowly retracted his hand but was stopped as you gently hold onto his hand and put it on top of your head again.

he stared at your hand as you smiled at him.

your smile screams pain and he knows it's because of him. but for now, he just wanted to cherish this.

he thinks you're the most stupid person he ever met for putting up with him and if there's anyone more stupid than you,

it's him.


i'll do a part two haha 😃☝️ (pls don't be mad at me)

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