senku | requited?

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senku x reader (they/them prns) • 1.0k
|romantic; fluff, (is this considered humour too?? idk)
[ jealous senku , bff gen so true , reader is a huge tease & affectionate , dumb dumb kinro (bcs i can) , figuring out feelings kind of shit , romance in a queue 💀 ]
requested by Ravenlia

0k|romantic; fluff, (is this considered humour too?? idk)[ jealous senku , bff gen so true , reader is a huge tease & affectionate , dumb dumb kinro (bcs i can) , figuring out feelings kind of shit , romance in a queue 💀 ]requested by Ravenlia

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i swear yall senku simps eat up every senku-just-realizing-his-love trope 😭💀🥰

i swear yall senku simps eat up every senku-just-realizing-his-love trope 😭💀🥰

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now, senku isn't one to be nosy.

but why. just why would your smile get that wide whenever you talk to kinro? he gets it. kinro is stronger, older, and taller. of course you would go to him. it's irritating, though. he knows he's not exactly a "fun" person to be around, having his life revolving around his one and true love science but it's not like kinro's any better either. half of the time, he can't even understand your jokes and just stand there like a statue and nods along to whatever you're saying as you're busting out your lungs from cackling to your own jokes. so then again, why?

"senku-chan~~ can you please stop scribbling on the paper so harshly? it's sooo noisy~", gen rubs his eyes from beside him and a pout is visible on his face, gen's gaze soon shifting over to skim through senku's progress only to gasp at what lies on the table.

too deep into his grumbles, senku had doodled your name on the corner of the paper. senku follows gen's gaze and his mouth turns into the letter o.

he continues his sketchings, not even making any attempts to erase a what would have been an embarassing moment for any normal person, and merely states, "i just don't get why they're so close with kinro. i know i'm busy but still, i'm their friend too and they barely pay attention to me now that they have kinro"

gen lets out a hum and it's at this time he's relieved he's an excellent actor. because with an oversleeved hand pressed to his mouth, he's trying his hardest to not straight up tell senku "no one writes only their friend's name without having a crush on them" and tease him to his deathbed.

he collects himself (which doesn't take long because he's just good like that) before he starts, "you know...", gen nuzzles his head back into between his hands, "maybe you should start going to y/n-chan instead..."

there's a sudden halt in senku's actions as he tilts his head a tad downwards and his eyes slowly drifts to his friend's sleepy figure. gen can feel his eyelids starting to get heavy but continues on rambling anyway, "you notice so many things but you don't really act on it unless it involved science. did you know that you're so bad at affection too? like there's nothing wrong with being awkward about it but it wouldn't hurt to directly let other people know that you appreciate them. whatever, good night, i'm tired"

senku lets his best friend's advice hangs in the air. it pains him to admit it but gen is absolutely correct. while he's mopping around because you didn't see him, he could've actually go to you instead. maybe that's why you got tired of him. maybe that's why you no longer make efforts into the friendship.

he sighs, to himself. tomorrow it is then.


"um... why-why are you here?"

first thing in the morning and senku is in front of your house. you scrunch your nose at the absurdity and eye him up and down, "shouldn't you be at the lab or something?". he internally winces at the question but goes straight to the point, "you haven't had your breakfast right?" to which you slowly shake your head to. "let's have breakfast together", he suggests. giving him a furrowed stare, you reply with a half-hearted "sure".

this is weird. sooo weird.

why is the ishigami senku here? to personally invite you to the breakfast? is there something he wants from you? he's not going to suddenly marry you or anything like that right? l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶d̶i̶d̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶r̶u̶r̶i̶ ̶t̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶w̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶o̶p̶p̶o̶s̶e̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶d̶o̶e̶s̶

it doesn't take long to get there and you see group of people already lining up at the stand. and of course, kinro had to be the last one on the line. the said male turns around when you call his name, practically skipping your way to him and senku silently grits his teeth.

"hey baby!! you woke up pretty late today huh"

BABY?!!??? senku's jaw literally drops to the ground as kinro turns a bright red yet mustering the best poker face he can (he fails), "y/n, please stop calling me that. it's embarassing and people might get the wrong idea", "like who? your mom?", you joke as he sighs and nods his chin to the figure behind you, "your crush"

kinro watches as you tense up and your eyes burning into his soul, and only then he realizes that he slipped the word, "oh...".

senku slowly closes his jaw and never had you seen him looking at you so tongue-tied, his words struggling to come out before he clears his throat once and purses his lips, other people in the line being unaware at the scene happening at the back of line,

"you... like me?"

pushing back the urge to strangle kinro for now, you promptly nod. "yeah, for a long time now actually" and the intensity of your crush's eyes on yours is making you beg the ground to just swallow you whole and hide you in the depths of its sea.

you feel like forever before he finally replies with a "i like you too..." and quickly adds, "i think"

you think?!!

senku who's always been so sure of everything is finally at a crossroad and it's all because of you. that's.. kind of cute. crossing your arms, your gaze shifts over to kinro (who gulps his saliva) and back at senku, "i suppose we can take it slow then. dating, i mean" and senku smiles, "sure."

walking over to senku's side (not before smacking kinro's head of course), you confidently slip your hands into his, senku facing the other way as you do. his red ears didn't lie though.


in case ur wondering "why r senku fics long" (bcs i do), the explanation for that is i.. have the most writer blocks when writing them 💀 (does that make sense lmao) like w other characs id be "aaaaa they would def do this n that" n write them pretty smoothly but w senku im more prone to be like "dawg how do i continue this 🧍" n then just randomly add words at that point n then the word count just gets longer like dat 😭

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