Chapter 22

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A/N: Hello. Sorry for the slow updates. I might just update when I wanna update since i have a lot of school stuff going on and trying to hide my identity as well from my classmates. Also i'm not too proud of my writing lately but this fic is just me self projecting so it doesn't matter yk?

Ryujin POV

It's quite surprising how Varrick was able to convince all of us to suspect Ai Wei as the traitor but now we're here, at Ai Wei's home. Sitting outside, around the perimeter, looking through his windows. It's a lot less suspicious than what you would think since Ai Wei is the more suspicious one. But I guess the image of it is suspicious itself a already.

"He's not home," Bolin whispered to the four of us as he peeked through the window, "Or he's hiding in there. Or he's invisible," he added at the end, probably to be humorous or actually for real—I could never really tell with him.

"Probably just not home..." Bolin said so defeatedly.

I could sense the annoyance coming from Mako, wanting his brother to take it seriously—his face in some sort of irritated frown. My head whipped around to the back. I thought i heard something but I guess it was my imagination.

"Did you see something, Ryujin," Korra asked me, looking around to keep watch. I shook my head 'no' and kept my silence. I peeked through window one more time and made my way to face Mako who was already trying to find a solution.

"We have to get there and find some evidence that links Ai Wei to Zaheer," Mako argued, "Otherwise Su won't believe us."

As I think, I remembered that Korra could metal bend—although she was new to it. I'm pretty sure that she could mend and metal bend the locks within the door to unlock it for us.

"Korra," I called out to her and saw her whip her attention to me, "I believe that with your metal bending abilities, you can bend the locks within the door to unlock it. Could you do that?" In my head, it sounded like a great idea but I don't know how the Avatar would react. I really hope she's open minded to it.

"I think I can do that," she answered, "But I am a little new to this so it'll take some time. Can you guys stand guard?"

We all nodded and separated around the perimeter of the house. Asami stayed with Korra, keeping watch of her and the guards that might come by our way. "If something happens, earth bend or something to let us know. We'll be back in ten," I say as we all split.

I took the back side of the house. The scenery wasn't much and just very vast with a road at the bottom of this slanted platform that his house is placed on. As a Sato Mobile rolls by, I quickly hide into a bush. The bush did rustle a bit which caught the guards attention. I was so scared to get caught but before I could move, someone touched my shoulder.

"Let's go." It was Mako.

I rise from the bush and started to make my way to the front door with Mako. We had to be quick so small talk was obviously out the window. It was like we were on the clock back in Republic City. I chuckled lightly at my thought, hoping it didn't seem to weird to laugh out of the blue.

"What are you laughing about?" Mako questioned me. That was embarrassing.

"It's nothing really," I said stoically, trying to reassure him, "It just reminds me of work. That's all." I gave an expressionless smile and tried my best to stay on track. "C'mon, we need to get going."

I rushed over to everyone else who were waiting at the door.

"Did you get it," Mako asked while looking at the door knob. Before Korra could answer, he twisted the doorknob and entered. She rolled her eyes as he did and a slight tinge of irritation could be seen on her face. "Well that answers your question."

We all followed after Mako and entered the house. It was clean and organized inside, like every part had its place.

"Okay, spread out and start searching," Mako announced. I took my place around the bedroom area. When I entered, nothing seemed suspicious. Just a regular bedroom with a queen size bed and a closet. Although when I do look around, the window wall would probably reveal a lot if he were to do his business in the bedroom.

I look near his dresser and opened a few. But there was still nothing there. Even when I did disheveled a bit of his organized folded clothes, still nothing.

"There's nothing in his bedroom," I announced as I exited the room. Everyone continued their search while I made my way towards the two brothers. But as I walked, something caught my eye causing me to stop and examine for a bit.

"Mako, Bolin look!"

It was scuff marks by the bookshelf. The damage flooring from the bookshelf could only mean one thing.

"I think this bookshelf slides open," Mako said, bending down to drag his finger against the marks. I rush to the other side of the bookshelf and pushed it as Mako pulled. It revealed a stairway to a secret room.

"What do you think is down there," Korra asked as she took a few steps down.

"Could be a storage cellar," Bolin answered.

"Or it could be how Zaheer got in and out," Mako smiled, feeling somewhat fulfilled as we all got closer to the answer.

"Ai Wei's coming back," Asami warned us, "Quick!"

We all exited the room and quickly tried to close the secret room. We raced to hide our tracks and grouped up right after but before we could get comfortable, Ai Wei walked in.

With a surprised expression, the old man said, "What are you doing in my house?" He stood there, furrowing his brows as he tried to figure out our intentions. He would do that since he is a truth seeker. We stood there silent, nervousness eating us up as the tension between him and us became much tighter.

"You are trespassing on the property of one of the highest ranking officials in the city," he scorned, his body tightening up as his irritation slowly start to rise, "You had better have a good explanation."

"We do, we do." Here we go.

"We actually knocked on your front door and we thought we heard you say 'Come in! I'm in the bathroom'" Bolin said, mocking Ai Wei's voice in a falsetto like tone. His intentions were good but why couldn't someone else step up. "I don't even know why i'm saying that. You know  I'm lying. And you don't even sound like that."

"We came here because things weren't adding up and we thought you might have some answers," Korra stepped up, saving us from utter embarrassment.

"Sit," Ai Wei said, inviting all of us to his couch, "If you want to talk, let's talk over some tea."

I don't know this guy's intention but I sure as hell don't like it.

A/N: Finally a 1k chapter. i'm slowly getting back into it.

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