A/N- This is set the day before they picked up Belle.
Enzo's POV:
It was about 5 AM and I had just gotten into bed about an hour ago from work. It was one of those off the records kind of dealings.
I run an actual company that's completely legal, but there have to be some illegal. My Father passed those illegal doings down to me to take care of after his death.
My phone starts to ring and I can't help, but groan. Why couldn't this have waited.
it's from an unknown number..
"Hello who is this?"
"Hi my name is Claire Simons, Are you Lorenzo Romano?"
"Yes, what of it?" I say starting to get irritated.
"We found a sister of yours,Isabella Carter. She's currently unconscious. She hasn't been conscious since the Police found her..."
" You found Bella!?! Wait what do you mean the police found her!?!"
"It would seem that she was being abused quite severely by your mother Sarah Carter and her Step-Father Mark Carter."
To say I was fuming would be the understatement of the year.
"My original reason for the call, Mr. Romano was to see if you would be willing to take her in?"
"Where can I pick her up and when?"
"She is at St. Mary's hospital in Ohio. As soon as you can get here would be great. She should be waking up by tomorrow."
"I'll be there as soon as I can."
"Perfect thank you."
I hung up and than I got up to go wake the others.
"Why the fuck did you wake us up Enzo?" Xander snapped
the chorus of "yeahs" quickly went around the room to the other four siblings.
"They found Belle.." I started
"Wait Belle as in our Belle?!? Isabella Romano Belle?" Luca was getting excited.
"Well Sarah changed her last name to Carter, but yes that Belle." I said with a smile on my face.
"She did what now?!?!" Leo's excitement was shadowed by his anger towards our Mother, Sarah.
"That's not all...Sarah and her husband abused our sorellina..." I said through clenched teeth.
Xander got up and stormed out to his car. Yet another drive today. I couldn't blame him though. We all needed to cool off...At least before we got Belle.
"I don't think we should all go to get her, maybe just Adrian and I..." I started
"What, but I'm older than Adrian!!" Leo yelled.
"And I'm closest in age to her!!!"
"Guys I get you want to see her, but if she is scared already what would you think having five strong scary guys coming into your hospital room. It would overwhelm her. Everyone knows Adrian is the nicest one of us and could probably calm her down if need be."
"But. We. Are. Her. Brothers." Leo was about to snap.
"And as her Brothers we have to do what is best for her. Leo you look almost the scariest one here. Just give her time to adjust."
Everyone stayed silent after that.
"Adrian go get ready we leave in half an hour. Leo and Luca, go to the bedroom next to Leo's and Make it up nice for her. New bed, New decorations and all."
"You do realize that room is also next to Xanders room?"
"Yes I do, and I'll have a talk with him, but it's the only other one of that level and I don't know about you guys, but I want to keep her as close as possible."
Everyone nodded and went to do they're tasks.
Adrian and I are on the Jet. He insisted that he just had to bring his dog Millie.
'Everyone likes dogs he said' ,but what if she was afraid of dogs...what if she was afraid of us?
When we got to the hospital we texted Belle's social worker Claire that we had arrived.
We were trying to find her room. I was starting to get nervous.
"Hello Mr. Romano, before we go in I'd like the doctor to brief you on what to expect."
I nodded and followed her.
What the doctor said was horrifying. It was no longer a question on where was she hurt, but where wasn't she?
"Just so you know I don't believe Isabella knows she had brothers..." Claire said sadly.
She didn't even know we existed? I didn't think she would remember us. She was only a baby, but Sarah didn't even tell her she had siblings?
When we got to her room she looked terrified. Adrian tried to approach her and give her a hug, but she covered her head like she was about to be hit....She thought Adrian was going to hit her....Adrian....
What has my sorellina gone through.....

Saving Belle
General FictionAbuse is all Belle has ever known, Her mother had 5 other children before Belle was born. When she had Belle she didn't want to have her grow up in that environment, so she fled with her. only her. things took a turn for the worse when Belle's Mom...