Chapter 20

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Enzo's POV: 

I just got into my office with Liam's phone. 

"What the fuck do you want Jake?!" I answered. 

"Where's my fucking kid?!?" 

"Where's Mark?! HM?! I know you know! Did you hurt my sister?!?! Just like you hurt Liam? Or did you take it a step further?!?" 

"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about!"

"Oh don't give me that crap! I'm taking custody of Liam! And you are gonna go straight to hell!!" 

I hang up and take a few moments to compose myself.

I walk out of my office and into the living room where Belle, Xander, and Liam are. 

"Liam can you come to my office?" 


"First How is your black eye?" 

"It's healing ok."

"Any other injuries?"

"Just a few bruises..."

"This and something else was the last straw, I can't let you go back there. I can have custody of you by the end of the week." 

"What was the other thing?" 

"Unimportant for you to know at this time" 

"Ok, but you just took custody of Belle, she's not fully comfortable with me. I  just don't want to be a burden" 

"She's not fully comfortable with us. You're already family. And you've never been a burden. This family loves you." 


"Great Do you want to get your stuff from your house?, do you want me to send someone to retrieve it?, or do you want to get new stuff?"

"Can you send someone?" 

"Of course." 

"And Xan is inviting Mason over since Belle said she wanted to meet him. Is that ok with you?" 

"Always. This is your home now too." 

"Thank you." 

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