Chapter 29

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❗️Trigger warning big trauma topics including abuse and SA may be in this chapter❗️

Liam's POV: 

Mason, Xan, Belle, and I went to the store today. 

We picked up a new kind of tea, along with the normal kind of course, and picked up the rest of the groceries. 

On the way to the check out line I froze. 

My Father was standing in the entrance of the store looking at us. 

I looked over and saw that Belle was frozen too. 

Xan noticed Belle first. 

She started to panic and pull on his sweatshirt. 

"What the fuck is he doing here?!?" Mason yelled. 

Belle and I both flinched. 

Mason grabbed my hand and Xan grabbed Belle's. 

We had to pass him. 

There was no other way out of the store. 

"It's so nice to see you again Belle." My Father said. 

Xan froze. 

"What did you just say?!?!" He yelled. 

Again Belle and I flinched. 

"Belle and I had some great times. Don't you remember Belle? I'm sure if you don't the scars could tell you what happened." He said with a sinister smile. 

Xan was about to say something else, but when he heard that Belle whimpered, he pulled her along. 

"I'll send your Father your warmest regards Belle. After all he is in town." He said. 

When we got out to the car Belle and I were both about to have a panic attack. 

He didn't say anything to me, or even look at me. 

What did he do to Belle. 

Xan got into the back with Belle while Mason and I were up front. 

"What did he do Belle?" He asked her. 

She didn't answer. 

"Belle this is one of those times I really need to know the answer." He said again. 

She was starting to have a panic attack. 

She was shaking, tears pouring out of her face, she started having trouble breathing. 

"Belle just fucking answer me! What did he do to you?!?!" He yelled. 

Mason and I looked back to see that Belle put her hands over her head because she thought Xan was going to hit her. 

Mason pulled the car over. 

He got out of the car and opened the door on Xan's side.

"Get out." He told Xan. 

"Yeah.." Xan said and got out without another word. 

He knew he fucked up.

Mason's POV: 

When I got into the back seat with Belle I just grabbed the hands she covered her face with. 

She looked so scared. 

I remember when Liam and I got into a couple fights that got pretty intense, he did this. 

"I'm going to hug you Belle." I said and I pulled her into a hug and just held her there. 

"I'm going to put my hand on your head." I told her. 

She flinched a little, but didn't move a lot. 

I learned a little bit on how to help Liam with his panic attacks and his trauma. 

"You're safe." 

"You don't need to say or do anything." 

"Nothing bad is going to happen." 

"He can't get to you."

I just kept saying hopefully reassuring things over again. 

"Xan start driving." 

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