Chapter 15

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Enzo's POV: 

When I wake up in the morning and I go downstairs I see Xander, Liam, and Belle in the kitchen already." 

"Liam good to see you. Morning Belle." 

"What am I chop liver?" Xander 

"We wanna make a blanket fort in the living room to set a better move for TMNT at 4 PM. Is that ok?" Liam asked ignoring Xander. 

"Belle is this something you want to do?" I asked her. 

She nodded, and had a small smile on her face. 

"Ok just have it cleaned up in a few days I remember you two made a pillow fort that lasted almost two weeks and brought some coworkers to the house and you two were arguing over what horror movie to watch next." I said with a smile on my face. 

"Who watches chucky 3 times though." Liam asked sarcastically.

"It's a good movie." Xander responded.

they started lightly bickering.  

"We'll talk later." I said pointing at my eye so he knew I was talking about his black eye. 

Xander's POV: 

Leo walked in pouting. 

"How come Belle got to meet your friend first Xander my friends have already called me twice and it's not even 7AM." 

"Because I have 'Family issues' plus I am family none of that friend business, thank you very much." Liam said smugly.

"I agree plus I really don't think this is the time to talk about it." I told Leo. 

Belle hasn't said anything   since she woke up last night and I'm getting worried.

"Belle don't you wanna meet my friend?" 

She just made herself smaller and didn't respond. 

"Like I said not the time." 

"Belle let's go upstairs and talk ok?" 

She got up without question. 

She was shaking with fear. 

"Hey man that's not a good idea." Liam interjected. 


"Just trust me. I'll leave, but you 2 should stay here."

He walked out with that. 

Her shaking lessened. 

"Belle what's up? You haven't spoken at all since last night."

She still didn't respond. I sat down at the kitchen table with her.

"Is it about Liam?" 

No response. 

"Is it about your nightmare?" 

I saw a few tears silently rolling down her cheeks. 

"What happened Belle?" I asked. 

She shook her head at least it was a response. 

It's about 3:30PM and Belle hasn't said a word. 

I'm actually getting pretty worried. 

I guess it's good Liam got Belle to make the blanket fort with him. 

"Ooh Belle I just got the blanket out of the dryer do you want it now or up in your room? It's still warmmmm." Liam said. 

I saw what he was trying to do. It was discreet and it also didn't work. He wanted Belle to say something. 

She just pointed down for now. 

"Do you want me to hand it to you or Xan?" he asked. 

She thought for a minute, then she looked at me. 

"Whatever your comfortable with." Liam reassured. 

Then what surprised me is that she pointed at him. 

"Ok." He said with a smile and handed it to her, still being careful not to touch her. 

 We were all watching TMNT when Leo walked past the living room talking on the phone. 

"Theo, like I've told you and Jack multiple times now, it's not a good time.___Yes I understand you want to meet her, but Isaac has been the only one to respect that.___If you do that I'll kick you out and lock the door.___You made a key to my house?" and then he was out of earshot.

"I'll be right back Belle." I said. 

"Do you wanna make Popcorn in the kitchen with me? I think Ian is in there too." Liam said. 

It's like he can read Belle's mind. 

She nodded and they went into the kitchen. 

I followed Leo and I saw him just getting off the phone. 

"What was that about?" I asked. 

"Jack and Theo are being very pushy about meeting Belle." 

"Yeah most of my friends still don't know about her. I think just Liam and Mason cause if you tell Liam, Mason knows." 

"That kid was always been a blabber mouth." 

"Yeah, but he's really good with Belle. Whenever he does something he either asks if it's ok or warns her, like if he gets up he says it out loud before he does it, or he asked if she wanted him or me to hand her the blanket of hers he used. The thing I really liked is he doesn't rush an answer even though he's never heard her voice. It's like he can tell whenever she's uncomfortable." I told him. 

"I mean that makes sense, think about it. He comes from an abusive house and so does Belle, he can notice that stuff and do the things he wishes other people did for him, and abuse makes people hyper aware of their surroundings." 

"I never thought of it like that." 

A/N- I have a few plot points planned out, but still very much looking for suggestions.
Thanks for reading!


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