A/N- This chapter will be a little scattered so I apologize about that.
-Luna :)
Enzo's POV:
Xander did not take it well.
He got pretty mad.
He did understand that Ezra is probably the best fit academically, but he's doesn't know socially.
Belle on the other hand seemed very happy she didn't have to go to school for the time being.
She was really anxious about meeting another new person.
I know meeting new people is had for her.
Today she is meeting Ezra for their first meeting.
I told Belle about Ezra yesterday and ever since she has been nervous and on edge.
Her new dog has been following her around.
"Hey Xander do you remember her dogs name? I feel horrible for not remembering." I overheard Ian saying to Xander.
"I actually have no idea what it is." He replied.
"It's Echo.." Belle said walking by.
I just chuckled.
They looked a little embarrassed.
"Belle are you excited to meet Ezra today?"
She nodded her head.
"No you're not." Xander said.
"It's ok Belle. You don't have to be excited."
"What if he's mean, or I'm too dumb.."
"We will make sure he isn't mean, and you are not dumb." I told her glancing up from my news paper.
Ezra's POV:
A few days ago the principal pulled me into his office and asked me to tutor some girl.
He said the family would pay good money to me.
My Mom and I need that money.
They said I'd get paid 18hr with room for negotiation.
My Mom gets paid 15hr and we're barely scrapping by.
I of course said yes, but then he told me it was for the Romano's.
What girl?
They've never had a sister to my knowledge.
But we need this money.
Today is our first meeting.
I walked up to the house and hesitated to knock for a good 30 seconds.
When I finally did Ian had to be the one to open the door.
"You're here." He said with a smile.
I just nodded my head.
"Come on in, Belle and you can work in the kitchen for now."
When I walked in there was Leo, Xander, Liam, Mason, Luca, Enzo, and a girl.
"Ok Belle this is Ezra, Ezra this is Belle."
"Ezra may I have a word with you before we start?" Enzo said.
"Ok Sir."
"Just Enzo is fine." He said smiling.
We walked into his home office.
"So I realize my boys were not kind to you, but I just wanted to ask if that would effect how you treat my sister?"
"No Sir it won't."
"Enzo is just fine. Another thing about my sister is that she just came to live with us less than a year ago. I won't go into details, but she gets scared easily, and doesn't like to be touched. You're pretty much going to need to start at ground zero education wise. Just be careful with her."
"Ok, I can do that."
"Ok Belle I figured we'd start with some math just to see where you're at. I'll walk you through each question though."
She hasn't said a word in the last half hour.
"Ok do you know off the top of your head what 9x4 is?"
She shook her head.
"Ok perfect this is the one to start with then. 9's are my favorite. So 9x1 is 9 9x2 is......."
We went on doing math for awhile.
"Hey are you guys getting hungry? I could make you guys a snack." Leo asked.
I just waited for Belle to answer, but she didn't. She was just waiting for me.
"I'm ok, but you should have one if you're hungry."
She shook her head and then we started on the next problem.
After another half an hour I could tell she was getting frustrated with herself.
"Why don't we take a little break. Your tea is running a little low."
"Do you want tea?"
"Um sure..Thank you."
"Do you like sugar or milk?"
"No thank you. Who's this little guy?"
"That's my dog Echo." she actually smiled when saying that.
"She's so cute." I reached down and started to pet her.
"She doesn't let most people touch her. She likes you."
"I like her."
"How much more are we doing today?"
"We have about 15 more minutes to get work done. Do you want to continue?"
"Ok guys it's lunchtime. Would you like to stay for lunch Ezra?"
"Um no thank you."
"We wouldn't take you off the clock."
"It's really ok. I have to get home to my Mom."
"How is she doing these days?"
"She's good." Thats a lie.
"Well thank you for doing this for us. We really appreciate it."
"Yeah tomorrow is it ok if we work on geography Belle?"
"No more math?"
"We don't have to tomorrow if you'd like a break."
"Goodbye Echo. Bye Belle."

Saving Belle
General FictionAbuse is all Belle has ever known, Her mother had 5 other children before Belle was born. When she had Belle she didn't want to have her grow up in that environment, so she fled with her. only her. things took a turn for the worse when Belle's Mom...