Chapter 46

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Elliot's POV: 

"Mason I need to talk to you." I said. 

"What's up?" 

"I need you to talk to the Romano's about Ezra." 

"Ok I don't know if that's my place, but what about him?" 

"He doesn't want to go back, but they really need that money. You guys don't know how bad it is. You don't know how bad it was for him. You need to make sure they don't retaliate in some way. He was so scared last night." 

"They're not going to do anything to him. They know Belle gets scared a lot. They don't blame him." 

"What is up with her? Why does everyone walk on eggshells around her." 

"You have no idea the things she's gone though, so don't act like our compassion towards her is anything less than caring for her, her needs and providing the love she deserves. Don't let your frustration cloud your morals." He said. 

I took a deep breath, and a second to think about what he said. 

"Ok I'm sorry. I know there are things that I don't know about her and that's frustrating. Especially when it's affecting my best friend. I just hate to see Ezra so scared again." 

"First of all I'm proud of you for taking a minute so you could respond instead of reacting. I'll talk to the guys and we'll come up with a plan to make everyone feel more comfortable." 

"Thank you." 

Leo's POV: 

Belle came to work with me again today cause I told her Isaac was coming to get another tattoo and she asked to talk to him. 

I made sure he had the mental space to talk to Belle today about Ezra. 

Luckily he did. 

Their relationship is so cute. 

"Hey Belle, Hey Leo." He said walking in. 

"Oh I'm so glad you're here."  She said getting giddy. 

"Hey man. What are we doing today?" I asked.

"We are doing a ducks head with a human body wearing a suit. Oh and his hands are in his pockets. He's a dapper man."

I laughed at that. 

"You got it man."  

"Do you still have the mental capacity to talk about feelings today?" 

"For you? Of course, but I appreciate you checking in. What's up Bug?" 

"So I made a friend. Kind of a friend and a half."


"The full friend tutors me, and yesterday he was over teaching me about Math, but I was having a really bad day. I had a nightmare about the thing I told you about before." 

I have to say it's really hard not to react at all when she's talking. 

I'm getting a whole look into how she's thinking. 

We can hardly get her to talk most of the time, but with Isaac, she's so comfortable. 

"How were you feeling about your nightmare?" He asked. 

"I was feeling like I was right there again, like right when it happened." 

"That's a really common feeling for people who have been though the things you've been through. It's called feeling triggered." 

"Like a gun?" 

"Yeah, think about how a gun has that little trigger, it's so easy to pull, but it creates a really big reaction. Such an impact from a really small thing." 

"So is that why I got so scared when he moved too fast?" 

"Who? Can you explain what happened?" 

"My full friend Ezra, Xander and Liam were in the room when he was tutoring me. My Brothers were really cruel to him, so he gets scared around them. Xander scared him on accident, but then Ezra scared me on accident. I think I really upset him. I heard him from the other room." 

"That makes sense, but what makes you think you upset him?" 

"He seemed scared. I don't want to be the reason anyone gets scared, and what if he's mad since I'm responsible." 

"Why do you think you're responsible?" 

"Cause I got scared." 

"In my opinion it was no one's fault. Just a series of events that was unfortunate to have happened. I don't think he's mad at you, but if you'd like why don't you call him?" 

"What if he yells?" 

"I doubt he would. He's a really patient kid." 

"But what if he does?" 

"Then you hang up." 

Ezra's POV: 

Belles caller ID popped up on my phone when Elliot and I were playing video games. 

"Belle's calling." 

"Belle's calling?" 

"Yes. Tell me what to do?" 

"Give it to me. It's probably one of her brothers. I'll tell them off for you." 

I handed it to him not wanting to deal with this. 

"What do you want?" Elliot said. 

His face turned from stone cold to really worried. 

"Wait, no no no. I'm sorry." 


He mouthed. 

"What did you do?" I whisper yelled to him. 

"Made her cry." 

"No you didn't! No you did not!" I whisper yelled to him again. 

"Shhh, I'll handle it."

"This is Elliot not Ezra. Ezra's not mad at you....No he's not I promise..I didn't mean to upset you...He was....It's ok....Yeah...Is that ok?....I do think it would make him feel better.....No I'm not mad...Yeah he told me...So they'd be there too? many...Oh shit...No no I'm sorry...Ok bye see you soon." 

"You're gonna tell me everything that just happened." 

"You're gonna go back, but I'll be attending your sessions for awhile, but the downside is that so will her brothers." 

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