Recap- "It's Belle. Stay here." He jumped up and went into her room.
Xander's POV:
I ran into Belle's room to see her scratching at her throat again.
The screaming started to hurt it was so loud.
"Belle please wake up.." I said to her.
After a few minutes of trying to wake her up, she finally did.
This time she didn't just wake up though. She woke up and immediately went into having a panic attack.
she couldn't breathe.
I didn't know what to do.
Liam might know.
"Liam get in here!" I yelled to him.
He ran in here and was stunned.
"Get off of m-me, get off, get off." Belle kept saying over and over again, while trying to rub something off of her legs.
"She's not here." Liam said walking over t Belle's bed.
"What do you mean she's not here?" I asked feeling helpless.
"She's having a flashback."
He said getting behind her so she was between his legs.
He wrapped his arms around her and started rocking back and forth.
"Get off, get off, get off.." she just kept muttering.
"Get one of the boys to get a glass of water. She's gonna need you in here when she comes out of it."
I went to get her someone to get her water to find all of the boys outside of her room looking mad and anxious.
"One of you get some water for her." I said walking back into the room.
"Belle, it's ok you're ok, you're with your brothers. You are safe."
He was holding her arms down so she wouldn't hurt herself more.
It seemed like she came out of it, but she started to fight having her arms held down.
"Xander come over here."
I jogged over there, and her head snapped in my direction.
The fear in her eyes.
I don't even know what to feel about it.
"Belle it's me Xander I'm right here." She hesitated but then went right into a hug.
"I got you. I'm not going anywhere."
Liam got up and left.
Leo came in with water and paused when he saw her hugging me.
She hadn't willingly had physical contact very much.
After his pause he left.
"Here Belle drink some water."
She shook her head.
She never really says no when we ask her to do something, so I'm actually really proud of her.
"I'm sorry.." She whispered to me.
"You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about."
"I didn't want it to happen. I-I tried to stop it, b-but they were t-too strong."
"I know you did. There wasn't anything you could do." I said through clenched teeth.
I felt sick.
I was reminded of the sick fucks that hurt my baby sister in a way she can never fully recover.
I want them dead.
A/N- A tiny twist is about to come!
Also this story has reached 5.63 reads!!!! Thank you all so much!
Every positive comment really just makes my day completely.
-Luna :)

Saving Belle
Ficción GeneralAbuse is all Belle has ever known, Her mother had 5 other children before Belle was born. When she had Belle she didn't want to have her grow up in that environment, so she fled with her. only her. things took a turn for the worse when Belle's Mom...