Ian's POV:
That damn kid. I can't believe him we haven't seen her in like 15 years and that's how he reacts to seeing her for the first time!
before he can drive off I jump in his car.
"What the hell man! Get out!" he yells
"No! what the hell is going on with you! She fell you you scoffed at her?!?!" He started to drive off fast.
"I hardly touched her! she's just being overdramatic! Sarah probably raised some brat."
"Lorenzo told me not to tell you guys, but it's bad you dipshit! she's going to have scars all over her. That bastard carved into her! He whipped her! He beat her everyday for TEN YEARS!! Sarah let it happened. Hell she even joined in on some of it."
"What?...." He slammed on the brakes. I think I might have gone too far.
"I know it was really hard on you when she left. You're just trying to protect yourself from getting hurt again....Just don't punish her for Sarah's wrong doings ok?"
"Alright get out you can't see when your crying like this. I'll drive us home. Leo would be pissed He made a special lunch."
He never lets anyone drive his car. Ever.

Saving Belle
قصص عامةAbuse is all Belle has ever known, Her mother had 5 other children before Belle was born. When she had Belle she didn't want to have her grow up in that environment, so she fled with her. only her. things took a turn for the worse when Belle's Mom...