Chapter 19

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Liam's POV: 

It's been a few days since the big flashback panic attack Belle had. 

She's come out of her shell a little bit more around me.

I've been teaching her how to play a card game called Golf. 

After I told her a little bit about Mason she'll ask little questions about him.

Which I find adorable. 

"What's Mason's favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle?" She quietly asked. 

"I don't actually know that's a good question I'll text him. 

L: Hey what's your favorite TMNT?

M: What's up with all of these weird questions the last few days?

L: These aren't my questions they're Xan's sisters questions. 

M: Oh ok. Michelangelo. 

L: Thank you.

"He said Michelangelo." I told her.

"Hey Belle Mac N Cheese or Grilled cheese for dinner tonight. We're going simple." 

"Mac N Cheese." 

Xan was about to walk out when I got a call from my Dad.

"Xan.." I said panicked. 

"Give it to me." He said. I immediately handed it over.

"Enzo it's Jake." 

Enzo stormed into the room grabbed the phone and went into his office.  

All you could hear was muffled yelling.

"Hey Belle wanna meet Mason today?" Xan asked.

She looked at me and then nodded. 

"Great I'm gonna give him a call."

Xander's POV: 

I went to call Mason in the next room. 

"Hey Mason, can you come over. I think Liam needs you." 

"Yeah what happened." 

"Jake called, Enzo's handling it, but he seems really anxious."

"Yeah I can come, but what about your Sister?" 

"She wants to meet you, just be prepared for her not to talk, like at all. Also don't touch her, raise your voice or make sudden movements." 

"Uh Ok Got it." 

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