Recap-"I mean that makes sense, think about it. He comes from an abusive house and so does Belle he can notice that stuff and do the things he wishes other people did for him, and abuse makes people hyper aware of their surroundings."
"I never thought of it like that."
Liam's POV:
Belle and I went into the kitchen to make popcorn.
"I think Rafael is my Favorite TMNT. He kind of reminds me of Xan." I said with a smile.
I got no response from Belle, but I didn't want an awkward pause, so I started talking to Ian.
"Ian what's your Favorite?"
"Michelangelo for sure."
"Solid choice." I said.
"So why are you here this time? Mom or Dad?"
"So we're taking custody?" H asked.
"Nope." I said taking the popcorn out.
"Come on Belle I think Xan is back."
Bell went to sleep about an hour ago, Xan and I are just talking.
"How long has it been bad again?" Xan asked all of a sudden.
"Just a few weeks.." I told him.
"Dude why didn't you come to me when he hit you again the first time."
"Because I can't come to you everytime he hits me."
"Yes. Yes you can. Does Mason know?"
"He does now, but he didn't before last night."
"So he knows your here?" He asked.
"Yeah and he wants to come over soon. Everyone misses you and is weirded out by how distant you are. You're gonna have to tell them about her soon."
"I know I know. It's just...She hasn't talked since last night and I'm really worried.."
"Do you want me to stay with Mason for awhile?" I asked.
"No I don't think it's really anything to do with you. She has nightmares that scare everyone. She wakes up screaming, and we don't know what to do. How are you so good with her?" He asked.
"Dude when you've been through shit Belle and I have been through, you notice shit. Mason still gets freaked out when I know exactly when he becomes not ok." I told him.
"Please!!! Dad!!!!" We heard screaming from the other room.
"What the fuck?" I said.
"It's Belle. Stay here." He jumped up and went into her room.

Saving Belle
قصص عامةAbuse is all Belle has ever known, Her mother had 5 other children before Belle was born. When she had Belle she didn't want to have her grow up in that environment, so she fled with her. only her. things took a turn for the worse when Belle's Mom...