Chapter 1

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A/N- Belle's "room"

Belle's POV:

Mom and Mark have locked me in my "Room" for three days now. No food. No water. Just the dark. there are no windows down here just my sweatshirt I use as a blanket and my thought's. 

I'm afraid of the dark.

They haven't hit me for about five hours. when I've been bad that's a really good record, but they don't just hit me. They do anything they can with whatever they can to hurt me. I usually only leave the basement to cook or clean for them, and about one every week I can shower, so I don't smell while they punish me. That's what mark says.

I see the bright light from upstairs, before I hear the horrible screech that the basement door makes. Mark stomps Down the stairs while I scramble back to my favorite corner. That was my first mistake. I broke one of the rules. He grabbed me by my hair pulling me up the stair. He gives one last hard yank before I reach the top, making me fall, only to be pulled back up by my hair again. 

He screams at me to make him dinner with a push towards the kitchen. I feel light headed and dizzy. The world is spinning. I take out a pot to boil some pasta, I take another one to cook the sauce. After the noodles have cooked I go to poor them in a strainer, but as I'm doing so my vision blurs and I stumble and drop the pot of boiling noodle water. it splashes up on me and I scream. Mark marches through the door and grabs my upper arm and my wrist than he burns the back of my hand he than throws the pan with the sauce in it on me yet another scream escapes my mouth, he starts to hit me and kick me as I fall to the floor, he grabs a knife and starts to carve into my skin. My screams continue. He threw me down the stairs, following close behind. he took the whip off of the shelf and started to whip me. 

His screams of anger almost cover mine "BE. QUIET. YOU. WORTHLESS. WASTE. OF. SPACE." 

I was starting to not be able to breathe.

I thought I was going to die, blood was seeping through my old dirty clothes. Just as I was coming to terms I heard the police at the top of the stairs. Mark who was still blinded by rage, was still hitting me with the whip. An officer shot him in the arm making the whip fall on top of me. They than shot him in the leg. I was trying to get into my corner, but I was too weak. 

I was always too weak. 

An officer came over to me he started to reach out to me. I thought he was going to hit me I covered my head with my arms, while trembling. He called for an ambulance. He picked me up, I was so tired, I went limp in his arms. 

I woke up in a hospital room. I had bandages pretty much everywhere. The police officer was sat beside the bed I was laying on. I started to panic.

where was Mom?  she was going to be so mad at me. I was really gonna get punished when I got home. Where was Mark? I got him in trouble. Is he in the same hospital?

The machine next to me started to beep making me panic even more. I covered my ears and closed my eyes so tight it hurt a little. The officer beside me woke up and ran to the door yelling something. More people started to rush into the room. I couldn't breathe. I had tears running down my cheeks and I was rocking back and forth. 

They surrounded me making me feel stuck, and suffocated.

A lady yelled at everyone to leave. and they did she unplugged the beeping machine.

than she took my hands away from my ears. I flinched hard. she just told me to open my eyes and when I did she just smiled and said "Hello sweet girl, it's just you and I. You're safe here."

after a moment of silence she spoke again "My name is Claire, I'm a social worker at the hospital. Your name is Isabella, right?" I only nodded in response.

"We did a DNA test on you, while you were asleep, to see if you had any other family members."

She paused for a moment. "We found out you have some older Brothers. They immediately agreed to take you in. They should be here within the hour."

I was shocked. I actually had family? Could I even call them family? Why hadn't my Mom told me about them? Why would she? Are they going to hurt me too? Are they stronger than Mark and Mom?

She said I was an only child and that My father wanted nothing to do with a worthless child like me, and that I ruined her life.

I guessed time flew by while I was in my thoughts. Claire stood up. "I'll be right back some of your brothers are here, I have to talk to them about your situation."

They would know. They were going to know how broken I was. How many did she say I have? She didn't say. I was started to panic. a few minutes later two very very tall men walked in with Claire. They looked so scary. I started to inch my way to the furthest edge of the bed.

"My sweet baby sister..." The one who looked younger whispered. He started to walk towards me while reaching out to me. I flinched, and covered my head. He stopped and backed away a few steps.

Claire now came forward and said "Isabella, these are two of your brothers. They're going to be taking you home tonight. You've been here for about a week so you're stable enough to leave."

Claire got a call and excused herself. As soon as she started to walk away I panicked once again. 

The older looking once broke the suffocating silence. 

"Belle...We've been looking for you..."

I didn't know how to respond, so I didn't. Couldn't even if I wanted to. They didn't give me permission to speak. Were they just trying to trick me, so they could punish me later? Mom and Mark did that sometimes...

Claire walked back into the room and asked if they could give us a minute, before she spoke again.

"I have to go in a minute, but I've talked to the doctors and they confirmed you can leave today."

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