Chapter 22

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A/N- This book has hit well over 10K I can't express the confidence this has given me that so many people like this story! Thank you to everyone who reads, and votes, and comments! You guys make my day! -Luna

❗TRIGGER WARNING- Talk of sexual assault.❗

Leo's POV: 

I'm walking down the hall to my room when I hear Enzo crying in his room. 

I knock and walk in. 

"Hey what's wrong Enzo?"

"I found more information on Belle and what happened to her.." He cried. 

"What did you find out?" I asked. I don't really know if I wanna know.

"Liam's fucking father hurt her...he raped her. She wasn't just beaten, but hurt raped..."

I felt sick. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Tears were streaming down my cheeks.

My baby sister. 

We weren't there to protect her. 

We should have looked more. 

Fought harder. 

"H-How do we help her?" I was shaking with anger and sadness.

"I don't know..." 

The next day Enzo and I were acting awkward and didn't really know what to do. 

"Are you ok?" Belle asked. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you fine? I mean ok? Are you ok?" I stumbled out. 

She just nodded her head and walked back into the living room with Liam and Xander. 

They've been getting really close lately. I don't know if I'm happy about that or not. 

Liam didn't do that, but his Father did. 

I wonder if anything has happened like that to Liam...

I really hope not.

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