Chapter 56

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Elliot's POV: 

I was about to knock on the door, but Mason just punched in the code and walked in. 

"Hey Belle, I have your friend here with me. Know where my Liam is?" 

"He's in Xander's room. Hi Elliot, wanna go to my room after I finish my tea?" 

I looked to Mason to see if that was ok. 

He just shrugged. 


"Do you want any tea?" 

"Yeah thank you." 

I followed her to the kitchen. 

We sat at her kitchen table the day we first met. 

I still get mad thinking about that day. 

What would they have done to her if the others didn't show up? 

How far would they have taken things. 

I know I stopped them momentarily, but it wouldn't have lasted long.

"Is everything ok?" She asked. 

"Yeah, why?" 

"Your face just..looked mad.." 

I think I made her nervous. 

"Oh sorry, I'm not mad. I promise." 

She finished making our teas and we headed up to her room. 

I don't know if I'm allowed in her room or not. 

I spotted Leo walking down the stairs as we started to walk up. 

He paused and looked like he was gonna say something. 

"Hi Leo, Look I have a friend over." 

"Hi Belle's friend." is all he said. 

Once in her room I followed her lead and sat on the floor. 

"What do you wanna do?" 

"Whatever you want is good." 

"We could listen to music again, but I just have my phone and a speaker for that." 

"That works." 

"Will you pick the music?" 


I put on some Dessa. 

"So this is Dessa. She's a smaller artist, but I really like her." 

We were talking while listening and eventually I laid down on the ground. 

She laid down next to me and we just like kept talking. 

It was actually really nice. 

"What do you wanna do when you grow up?" I asked her. 

"I Never really thought about it. What do you wanna do?" 

"Well the dream is to be a singer. I don't really see that happening in this lifetime, but I wanna make an impact on people. I'll probably do some sort of youth work." 

"That's so cool. I wanna hear you sing." 


I think I'm blushing. 

My face feels hot. 

"I'm opening for this one artist later this month. Maybe you can come?" 

"I'd love to if I'm allowed." 

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