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"why did you run under the rain, huh?" jaemin nagged, "you told me mark's going to pick you up but—"

"jaemin, it's all good now," mark smiled, looking at the two sitting on the couch, while donghyuck is wrapped around a blanket, "it's also my fault for not calling him sooner."

yeah, jaemin alone, did come into their house just to nagged his friend, i mean this whole situation did make him worry that he just have to check up on donghyuck.

"are you still sick, though?" the younger placed the back of his hand on donghyuck's forehead, "you made me worried the whole night and this morning."

donghyuck eyes immediately softened as he wasn't expecting jaemin to say that. well, jaemin is a very caring person after all, so this is not a surprise anymore. "yeah, i'm just too lazy to got to the library, today." said the older, "thank you though for checking up on me." he smiled, and buried his face on jaemin's arms.

the younger playfully rolled his eyes then ruffled the older's hair. "you baby."

meanwhile, mark stood behind the kitchen island, leaning against it as he watches donghyuck cuddles up on jaemin. oh, how he wishes he was in jaemin's position right now.

no he's not jealous, jaemin already had a soulmate—two soulmates to be exact—so why would he be jealous?

"you should bring mark with you." jaemin suggested. is he doing this on purpose because knowing donghyuck and mark doesn't have the perfect relationship as of right now? yes. is it a good idea? maybe, maybe not.

"w-well... i could just go alone with myself—"

"mark," jaemin called out, snapping the older from his thoughts, "we're going on a double date this saturday, you and donghyuck should com—"

"m-mark isn't free..." donghyuck reasoned out, "he has wor—"

"yeah sure!" mark instantly agreed. he does have work on saturdays since their shop is open 24/7, but who can't say no when you get to spend your whole day with donghyuck? "i'm absolutely free."

"b-but you have a work this saturda—"

the younger cut him off once again, standing up from the couch, and clasped his hands together. "great! everything's settled then!" jaemin continuously clapped, while walking towards the front door, "see you there, adios!—and oh let's meet there at three."

jaemin didn't even let them say any word when he already walked out of the house. and the next thing these two soulmates heard is jaemin's car dashing away.

"you said you have work this saturday?" donghyuck asked, dropping the blanket down on the couch while walking closely towards the older.

mark just tilted his head, looking up, pretending like he's thinking, "i don't remember saying that, chan-ie." said mark with a teasing tone.

"are you seriously just going to ditched your work just for this?" the younger asked.

"no, but i want to spend a day with you." mark pouted in a most obvious way. he does look like he's just teasing donghyuck, but yes, he does actually want to spend his day with donghyuck, it's been so long since the last time they did that.

"whatever." donghyuck mumbled and walked upstairs.

you know why mark's not taking donghyuck too seriously? is because mark has been looking what donghyuck is wearing the whole time. how can he get so mad at mark while wearing his hoodie?

yeah exactly, mark's question right now.


and just with that, saturday suddenly pops out in a blink of an eye. mark and haechan stood on the said meeting place as they looked around, waiting for someone to arrive.

"where are they?" asked the younger, just when he was about to complain more, both of them heard faint marching of footsteps behind them. "took you guys so long."

"sorry," jaemin stood in front of them with renjun and jeno beside him as he pants, placing a hand on his chest, "let's go now?" the younger suggested, looking at the soulmates with a smile, and mark immediately shoots all three of them a smile.

all of them started walking, with jaemin leading the way. he has so many plans to do this day, so they better get going. "i have this place i badly want to go to." jaemin started.

as jaemin continues to talk, renjun, jeno and haechan just listen. mark's eyes on the other hand are glued to someone beautiful, someone perfect, it looks like god took all the time to make him—it's donghyuck.

he just couldn't help it. 

as they continue walking, their hands repeatedly brushed against each other making it harder for mark to not hold donghyuck's hand. but when least the expect it, donghyuck felt warms hands holding his, startling him for a second.

looking up, he saw the older's eyes fixed on the path in front of them pretending like nothing as if donghyuck's face isn't going to blow up any second.

donghyuck attempted to take his hands away, but mark only held it tighter than before, and this time he clasped their fingers together. 

an amusement park, that's where they are right now. this actually a famous place where a lot of go-to for dates, cliche, i know. "woah, how did you know this place?" asked renjun, looking around in awe.

"i got you baby." jaemin flirted, sending renjun a wink, causing him to receive a playfully slap from the older. "how's donghyuck and mark—" jaemin stopped himself from talking when he looked back and saw mark and donghyuck's hand holding each other.

a smirk made its way on jaemin's lip, looking at the tanned male with a teasing smile. he's surely going to enjoy this day for mark and donghyuck, or what he likes to call, markhyuck.

"how about we split ways?" jaemin suggested, still had that smirk on his lips, meanwhile donghyuck looked at his best friend with wide eyes, he thought it's a double date, aren't they supposed to be all together? that's how double dates works, right?

"i agree." renjun nodded and same as jeno.

all three of them looked at the older—mark and which he did gave them a nod, "yep! i agree." mark replied.

and that's how donghuyck mentally screamed. there's no way he's going to spend his whole day with mark, just mark, and only mark.

the only thing he can do right now is give all of them a forced smile. "enjoy your day hyuckie!" jaemin said, ruffling donghyuck's hair.

just when they're about to separate ways, jaemin secretly walked beside mark, "you're welcome." the younger whispered, nudging mark's sides.

he'll surely will thank jaemin after this day.

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