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mark exhaled heavily, dropping donghyuck on their bed. he took off his socks and was hesitant if he can take his pants off, "am i a creep if i do that?" he asked himself

"what no, this is not the first time, idiot." he slapped his forehead, and reached on the younger's belt but only paused, "wait, but that's when we're kids..."

he whispers, trailing his words. "you know what, fuck it." he reached for his belt and quickly looked away, letting his hand do its thing. 

once the pants is off, he quickly snatched the sweatpants and put it on, and same goes to the younger's shirt, replacing it with his plain oversized shirt.

once everything is done, he takes the clothes on the laundry basket and sat on the edge of the bed. but that's what he thought, he was pushed down on the bed by a hand, as he let out a yelp.

"d-donghyuck..?" the older whispered, but the younger is too high to know what's going on.

donghyuck settled himself on top of the older's body, and bend his upper body down, "y-you want some.." the younger paused and let out a hiccup, "some f-facts about me..."

random, but the older nodded as he took the time to look at the younger's face.

"i like cartoons.. broom broom." donghyuck point his pinky up, as if he's listing things out.

mark smiled, he still watches lightning macqueen, still a baby.

"i want a hug, and want to read a l-lot of books!" the younger smiled, and put both of his hand beside mark's face for support, as he look at the older with hald-opened eyes.

"what do you want?" the older quickly elaborates.

donghyuck furrowed his brows, "ah," he smiled and booped their noses, "i want books! a lot of boo—"

"no, not that."


the older engulfed the younger into a tight hug, he's been wanting to this since for a long time. he burried the younger's face on his chest and took a deep breath, and


"you know what mr. stranger?" donghyuck muffled, resulting for the older to look down in confusion, "i have this one guy that i like—no love. he was the first guy i fell in love with, i love him so much that i couldn't take it anymore.. so i decided to confess to him."

mark is now iconfused, is he a stranger? no he's drunk. water, he needs water, "let me get you water—"

but instead of loosening his grip, donghyuck held him tighter.

"but out of nowhere, he rejected me." donghyuck stick his bottom lip out and looked at the older with half-opened eyes, "he said he hates gays." he whispers and laughed in the most obvious way.

"w-why are telling me this if i'm just a... s-stranger?"

the younger smiled, "because a stranger doesn't really know your whole story, they won't judge you."

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