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the air inside the car is awkward, in fact, the whole ride is. donghyuck here kept glancing back and forth to mark, thinking if he should start a conversation. directly after he's about to say something, his phone rings, startling both of them for a second. 

he raises his brow briefly, before picking up the call, "mom?"

"oh donghyuck!" the voice is way different from his mom, it was in fact, mark's mom. "how have you been? oh by the way i'm using your mom's phone don't worry."

"oh hi, mrs. lee, i've been well" donghyuck calls, which did catch the older's attention. "a-and mark... t-too."

and they both know that's a big lie, they are nowhere near fine.

the statement made the older release a quiet scoff and shook his head, nonetheless, he averts his attention back on the road. still have no plans on devoting his attention to the younger.

"w-we'll see you! bye!" with shaky hands, donghyuck ended the call. this is the first time he's talking to the older's mother for a very long time. ever since they moved they haven't had a long conversation with each other for as long as he can remember, hence that call is very nerve-wracking to him.

mark didn't really notice that the call ended as he's busy giving attention to something else—his eyes seem to not leave the car's side mirror. 

he's not supposed to be assuming things here but, he knows he's not seeing just things.

rather than going straight to the road where they're supposed to, the older made a big turn and into the dark path where there are no streetlights—looking back on the side mirror and mark's right, the vehicle is still there following them.

mark's aware he's not assuming things here, seeing that the road they went is closely out of nowhere. the change of the road caught the younger's eye, looking at the older in confusion. 

"where are you going?" donghyuck asked with a frown on his face, "this isn't the right way—"

"just be quiet." mark told, cutting the younger's words off, not removing his eyes on the car's side mirror.

the younger seem to notice it, looking back on the vehicle; its headlights are sharply lit up, so it's hard for donghyuck to tell who it is, "who are they?"

"no idea." mark simply replied, taking another turn on the left, expecting the vehicle that's tailing behind them to lose its track.

which mark successfully did.

mark decided to turn their car's headlight off, as he looks at the side mirror, once again, just to see that the vehicle that's following them to took a wrong turn. 

releasing a heavy sigh that he didn't know he's holding in, looking back on the road in front of them, and a dark path with tall trees—specifically out of nowhere.

at the moment when mark is about to start the engine, the vehicle made an odd sound causing mark to twist the key again, "fuck." mark cursed not too loud, looking at the gas gauge.

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