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walking towards his comfy bed with a wide smile on his face, chenle searches for his phone that is buried in his thick duvet, "where is it?" he asked himself. when he finally felt the device, he lets out a loud squeal and opens it as fast as possible, "aha!"

when he saw his favorite notification painted on the device's screen, "he wants a call?" he asked towards the phone with a confused face. not even having enough time to think, his phone then suddenly rings.

picking it up, "hi, chenle..."

the said male's eyes immediately widened, surprised by the younger deep and hoarse voice, "jisung?" he asked, "it's late now, why did you call?" chenle looked up to his wall clock.

"you don't want to talk to me?" jisung said, and even though he can't see the younger right now, he can definitely feel jisung pouting right now.

"no! no! i want to talk to you of course," chenle quickly declares, "i-it's just... it's too sudden..." the older chuckles, and jisung can't help but to chuckle, here's jisung deep voice again, chenle thought.

jisung breaths a chuckle, "why? is my baby flustered?"

baby? did jisung just called him, "baby?" chenle voiced out his thoughts and jisung did successfully heard this.

"yes baby, you're calling me?" jisung replied, and at this specific moment, chenle just muted the call to bury his face on his pillow and let out a scream, "hello? baby, where are you?"

finally unmuting the call, "stop~" chenle whines, even though deep down he's actually enjoying this, "also why did you call?" the older questioned and he heard the younger makes thinking noises on the other side of the phone.

"nothing really," jisung went on, "i just want to hear my baby's voice."

chenle playfully rolled his eyes "you're really rolling with that baby call sign?"

jisung hums, "mhm! it's cute though." jisung admits. of course, chenle finds it cute too, it's just if he keeps calling chenle that, the older will literally blow up any second now.

"w-whatever," chenle said, mumbling a curse word to himself again for stuttering there, "i'm g-going to end the call now." he said, before diving his face on his pillow to muffle his scream.

"okay, baby!" the younger replied, still not forgetting to tease the older, "see you tomorrow!" jisung said before ending the call.

chenle's screaming got cut off by the younger's last statement. tomorrow? chenle thought, raising his brows, as he halts on his bed. just then, he heard a knock on his door, causing him to jump a little, "oh mom," chenle greeted his mother while trying to act normal, "what are you doing here?"

"what do you look so flustered," she asked, looking at chenle's red cheeks. his mom gave him a teasing smile before saying, "are you talking to jisung?" she looked at her son while squinting his eyes. she crosses her arms and walks closer.

"n-noi mean yes... but a-also no"

"if that's what you said..." his mom said, still looking at chenle with his eyes squinted. "by the way, we're going to have dinner with mark's family tomorrow night." she said and walks out of the younger male's room.

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