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𝘖𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘗𝘖𝘝 (𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘶𝘦)
I hadn't had any problems with the duplex I live in until a couple weeks ago. You see, I've never met the guy who moved in on the other side. All I know is that mom quite likes him. She says he's very tall, gets along with his sister, etc. I seriously just never leave the house so I've never caught him. Well, that and I'm hella anxious.

So your probably wondering, 'Ollie! What kinds of problems are you having with your neighbor??!!' It's kind of odd, he's been screaming more that the average person does. Sometimes I can make out just barely what he's saying. It used to just be noises of frustration, but now it's like he's yelling at someone.

Well, I start school in person soon, so I'm sure I'll find him there.
I walk up to the bus stop, leaves crunching under my converse and my hair a mess in the wind. As I approach the stop sign, I hear someone say my name

"Oliver isn't it?"
I jump, and he laughs.

"I'm Ranboo, I think we're neighbors?" He rubs the back of his neck. Holy shit he's tall.

" Ah, yeah , um-"

"It's uh- nice to finally meet you!" He says, fiddling with his fingers. I pull my mask up and hold my hand out awkwardly. He shakes it, after a moment of hesitation. Soon after, the big yellow buss pulls up to the curb with a screech.

The bus ride was quiet, only the whispers of sleep deprived students could be heard over the hum of the bus and traffic. I was just aimlessly scrolling through my phone so I could avoid falling asleep.

The schools halls were winding. I look down at the copy of the school map I had printed out at home. I feel someone hover over me.

"Where you headed?" He said putting a hand on my shoulder. I jump
"Ah! Oh it's you! Um- Mrs. Bailey's for physical science, I think."

"Hey! I have that class too, let me take you there? And sorry for startling you."

"Don't worry about it I'm just jumpy." Fold up the paper and shove it in my pocket as Ranboo leads me to our class. The halls were filled, clearly not covid safe. Thank god that guy is freakishly tall, or I would've lost him. I caught him looking for me a few times, so at some point we agreed hand holding in a totally dude bro way was the solution.

We squeeze out the hallway into a classroom with few students in it. On the smart board there was a seating chart.

"Thanks for taking me here, I would've been swallowed by that hallway." I joke, letting go of his hand awkwardly.

He laughed, "No problem, I'm gonna go sit in my seat, you probably should too." We separate, going to opposite sides of the classroom.

The school days only had 3 classes, and they ended by lunch. My moms Mini Cooper pulls up to the front of the school. I walk up, open the door and swing into the car, and shut the door.

"How was your first day?" I rip off my mask, breathing in dramatically.

"Horrid, wretched, absolutely abysmal."

"That bad?"

"Nah it was fine I guess. Met one of the neighbors, fumbled around the hallways until I got to my classes, etc." I swing my backpack into the backseat and mom slowly drives out of the school parking lot. I snag the AUX cord before she can and shove it into my phone. Our house wasn't far from the school, maybe a few blocks. I could honestly walk to school, but I am lazy.

We pull up the driveway and I see Ranboo fidgeting with my neighbors door. For a moment I was puzzled. Why would he be trying to get into- oh. He's the noisy neighbor.


Hey hey hey! First chapter is out! If you haven't today, maybe get some water and a snack! I love you!

||𝘋𝘶𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘹|| Ranboo x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now