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𝚁𝚊𝚗𝚋𝚘𝚘'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

I exit the call, leaving Tubbo and Tommy to their own devices. I look to Oliver, who was flopping onto my bed.

"Whatcha doing there?" I ask him. Only muffled words come out from the covers.

"You good?" I ask. Oliver rolls over dramatically, and sighs.

"I want attention." He says, taking off his glasses and covering his hands with his sleeves. I sit next to him, leaning over and giving him a peck on the cheek.

"That better?" He smiles and nods.

He pauses for a minute and looks at me.

"What are we? Are we like a couple?" He smiles. I could figure all this sexuality bull later. Right now is my chance.

"I'd say we are if you think we are."

"We are boyfriends? We are boyfriends!" He giggles to himself, doing happy flaps.

'Boyfriends', yeah that's nice.

Ollie is my boyfriend!

"We're boyfriends!" I cheer.

"Who are we gonna tell? Are you out yet?"

"I'm not out, but nobody cares I don't think." I start, "probably the boys? My mom when she gets back. Who else?"

"Your fans?"

"Not for a while. Twitter can be brutal."

"Oh, yeah. Should we wait? Keep it our secret for a while?" Oliver sits up and leans against me.

"Hm. Yeah, I think I'd like that." I take his hands. He kisses my face.

"And you promise to tell me if I ever make you uncomfortable, or step too far?" Oliver looks at me, sincerity in his eyes.

"Well, yeah. Of course."

"And you promise not to break my heart?"

"Yeah, as long as you won't break mine."

"And you promise to give me one of those donuts you mentioned?" I laugh.

"Promise. Come on let's go downstairs."

"Nice." Oliver and I head downstairs and into the kitchen. I open the donut box and take out one.Ollie does the same.

"I love to stream with you, it's so much fun to watch the chat go by." Oliver says, eating.

"I mean, people seem to like you. You should try it!"

"It seems expensive, and I'm not good at video games."

"I mean, my setup is already pretty good, just stream from my computer? And you don't have to stream games. You can like, draw or do hobbies and chat."

"That doesn't seem very entertaining." Oliver finishes his donut and washes his hands in the kitchen sink.

"I'd watch your streams, just to listen to your voice." He drys his hands and looks at me, cheeks tinted pink.

"Well, maybe I'll try it." Oliver leans against the counter. He pulls out his phone and I finish my donut. He plays some music. I don't recognize the song, but it definitely sounds like his music taste.

"Dance with me, Loverman." Oliver grabs my hands and places one on his side.

"I'm not good at dancing."

"We gotta practice. Homecoming is in a couple weeks and I am not going alone." He leads me to the middle of the kitchen, swaying back and forth.

"Eugh, homecoming. Isn't that for people who like school?"

"Says the AP student." Oliver laughs .

"Just because I'm good at it doesn't mean I like it."

"Bull shit" Oliver laughs, "you love it, you nerd."

"I'm Ollie and I buy ceramic frogs and wear big jumpers and romanticize the crap out of my life." I tease.

"Oh I'm Ranboo and I play video games for a living instead of using my humongous brain." Oliver mocks back.

"Ah man you got me there." I put my arms on his shoulders. He grabs my hand and kisses it.

"What do you want to do today?" He asks.

"I dunno, it's already 1. I gotta stream tonight too." I sigh, "let's just stay in."

"Okaaaay." Ollie leans his head on my chest, takes a moment, then looks up at me with stars in his eyes.


"Sleepover" he whispers


"Sleepover, Ranboo."

"We're, like, 16 year old boys. Why would we have a sleepover?"

"So we can cuddle and I don't have to worry about being stranded on my couch." Ollie says, pausing the music and walking over to the couch.

"Aw come on, what was I supposed to do? Pick you up?" I sit next to him

"You could've woken me up." Ollie leans against me.

"But you were so cute, all snuggled up." I see him pout, knowing that he isn't going to win.

"Ugh fiiine. I'll drop it." He sinks further into my side, "when are you streaming again?"

"Probably in like, 30 minutes, why?"

"Maybe i want to tune in." he smiles

"Oh no, please Ollie, no." I feel embarrassment creep into my gut.

"I've been on one of your streams, it will be fiiine." Oliver says.

"How about you just chill in the background." I offer, putting my hand for him to hold onto.

"Ugh whatever." he rolls his eyes and laughs, taking my hand.

And that's exactly what he did. I booted up my stream and played my starting soon music. Oliver was laying on my bed with his phone out, distracted by the blue screen. I take a moment to admire him and get back to fixing up my stream.


The stream went well, Ollie only occasionally giggling at a phrase I said out of context. After a while it was smooth sailing, the chat did some gambling, Karl and Tubbo hopped on call for a while, it was nice.

Soon enough, it was 4pm. My stream was four hours long and I was starting to get afternoon sleepiness. I clapped my hands in the air, startling Oliver.

"Welp! I think that's the stream for today. I hope you all had fun. Let's send you to Quackity, shall we?" I wait a little longer for people to leave, then raid Quackity. I get up from my chair and flop down next to Ollie, who immediately clung to my side.

"I missed you" He said into my sleeve.

"I was sitting 5 feet away from you?"

"But I missed you." I play with his hair for a little while, as he mumbles loving words to me. "I'm pretty sure you're my favorite person." He says, words sweet like honey.

"I'm your favorite?" I look down at him

"Yeeaah" He smiles up at me. My heart beats a little quicker.


Hey! Sorry for not updating for a while, I was scared someone I knew was gonna find this book. (BTW IF YOU GET A DM ABOUT IT, DO NOT ANSWER HOLY-OH MY GOD.) I'm glad you all like this silly story too. I feel like there is a serious lack of male!ocs and male!y/ns out there. Anyway, make sure to eat today and do something nice for yourself.

PS: Franklin is mine, and he will always be mine.♥︎

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||𝘋𝘶𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘹|| Ranboo x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now