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𝙿𝚛𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙰/𝙽

Im experimenting with 3rd person pop this chapter so,,, it be bad lol. Also temporex is a bangin band, highly recommend .

𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝙿𝙾𝚅

The boys wake up the next morning to Teagan (the only functional cook out of the siblings) making coffees for everyone. Oliver happily accepts any caffeine he can get before big social outings. Ranboo declines, saying that his energy for the day just needed to boot up.

The gang gets dressed, each sporting outfits very different from each other's. Oliver wore a big baggy sweater, knitted with brown and green patterns. He sported a pair of chunky boots and some black pants. He added a dog tag necklace and a couple extra rings to his fingers.

Tubbo wanted the basics, but he dressed it up a little, seeing Oliver all accessories made him a little jealous. He wore the mandatory hoodie, but added a baggy shirt on top. When Lani saw him, she insisted on him adding a thin black necklace.

Ranboo had an odd fashion sense, but Ollie eventually wrangled him some fun shirts within the time span of knowing him. He wore a black t shirt with a short sleeved button up, ironically unbuttoned. Oliver leant him some spare necklace.

"So did you come with an entire jewelry box or what?" Ranboo asks

"Maybe I did. So what? I like to make jewelry." Oliver zips up his suitcase

"Is there a craft that you can't do?" Tubbo queries from the bed, he was flopped on his back, waiting for the two so that they could get going.

"I can't do traditional crafts? So like, if you gave me a craft kit I would just say fuck it and make an abomination." Oliver starts to re-pack his backpack. Camera, water bottle, wallet, keys, phone, extra masks, charger, and an extra pair of socks. Oliver pauses, "How are we exactly gonna get to Brighton?"

"Gonna take the train. It's sunny enough to walk to the station." Tubbo holds up his train card, "Gonna have to purchase your tickets though."

"Cool, trains are expensive in america. I don't think I've ever been on one." Ranboo says, double checking to see if he had everything.

"I think I'm ready. When does the train leave?" Oliver asks, swinging the bag over his shoulder.

"My phone says the next one leaves at 11:30. We should get going here pretty soon if we want to meet the gang at lunch." Tubbo sits up from the bed, stretching.

And so they went. One British and two American teens trying their best to purchase train tickets and get on a train to Brighton. They struggled to find the ticket booth, but once they did it was smooth sailing. They hopped on the train and started their journey, laughing at the ads on the walls and mimicking each other's accents.

It was pretty comical to see what seemed to be a freakishly tall 20-something with two short teens all sat together in a train booth. They got some weird stares. Especially when they recorded. Let's just say that Tubbo and Ollie got some awesome shots of unattractive angles on their faces and sequences of walking around the station.

"I don't think I've ever asked why you wear gloves, Ranboo."

"Listen, it's for his own good. If the fanbase saw his model-quality hands, they would go bananas." Tubbo said, picking up Ranboo's hand and gesturing with it.

"Ah yeah, it's kinda odd without context, I guess." Ranboo said, taking his hand back, "sometimes I consider hand revealing simply for the convenience of not wearing gloves."

"Plus, like, your hands are massive. You need bigger gloves." Oliver pressed his hand to Ranboo's, seeing the size difference.

"Ladies and Gentlemen please prepare any bags or items to exit the train. We will be arriving at our destination in 5 minutes." A woman's voice spoke from the speaker in our booth.

The train soon stopped, the boys grabbed their bags and exited. Now they had to walk to a restaurant that Tommy sent them. Tubbo guided the group, they had the best idea of where everything was in Brighton, and had the directions.

After about 10 minutes of wandering around town, they found it. The sign read "STARFISH & COFFEE". The boys entered the coffee shop to see a group of people sitting at a table, all chatting.

Tommy's eye caught Tubbo, and in less than a second, the two were latched together.

"TUBBSO! TUBBO! TOBY MY MAAN!" Tommy said a tad too loudly. Oliver was recording the whole thing. Wilbur walked up and hugged Ranboo and Tubbo, telling them how happy he was to meet them.

"You are taller than me, you prick!" Wilbur elbowed Ranboo, laughing.

"Still growing too."

Jack, Phil, and Kristin all stayed seated, watching as the group hugged and talked. Three seats were pulled up for the new additions as they ordered.

"How was the flight? How do you like the UK?" Phil asked Ollie and Ranboo.

"The flight was long. My back still hurts. But the UK is so much fun."

"Yeah! Dude it's so nice here. I love the brick roads and the pretty architecture." Oliver says, holding Ranboo's hand under the table, only for Ranboo to let go.

"I think I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." He said, sitting up.

A series of 'okay's' were spoken.

"Oliver, I don't think we've met!" Kristin says, "have you met phil?"

"Oh I've only heard legends. Tommy defends your honor constantly." Oliver laughs.

"That's because it's Philza-fucking-Minecraft and his lovely-fucking-wife." Tommy defends, proving the point.

"Oh Oliver! This is Jack Manifold, he's another guy we play with!" Tubbo introduces him, Jack holds out a hand for a handshake, Oliver accepts.

𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙖𝙣𝙭𝙞𝙚𝙩𝙮, 𝙥𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙘 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙨

In the bathroom, Ranboo was panicking. How was he gonna tell the whole group of not only his friends, but people he looked up to, that he was Pansexual? And that he had a boyfriend? This was stupid.

This is stupid and he shouldnt be freaking out.

'Im stupid.' he thought, rubbing his eyes.

"Stop, stop stop stop stop." he mumbled, blinking quickly, trying to keep the tears from spilling over. With a deep sigh, he splashed water on his face and paced back and forth a few times, trying to calm down. And with that, he walked out of the cafe bathroom.

Sorry for the heavy chapter, it was gonna happen at some point lol. Also, a funny thing. I'm taking a creative writing class, and I've been thinking about editing this (taking ranboo and replacing him) and turning it into my capstone project. We'll see.

I think I'm gonna do a little Q&A segment at the end of some chapters.So if you have a question, ask it here. I might answer it in the next chapter!

Also, clingy duo fans, how we feelin'? I think their interaction has been the most realistic I've written.

Anyway, this chapter took too long to write. Please drink some water, do a funky dance, and pet a dog if possible. I love you!!

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