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𝚁𝚊𝚗𝚋𝚘𝚘'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

My brain buffers for a minute, not fully processing what just happened. Once finally loaded up, I sit up quickly. Hot-faced, I replay everything that happened in the last 20 minutes.

Oliver called me cute. I called Oliver cute. I streamed with my crush live, in front of 30k people. Is this a crush? I've never crushed on boys.

This is weird.

I shake my head. No. This-this is fine. Just go wash your face and eat something.

I get up and walk out of my room. Down the stairs, in the doorway, I see that Oliver's shoes are gone, along with his coat.

I swallow the fluttery feeling in my gut and walk into my bathroom. I hate this.

I look at myself in the mirror and think of how Ollie described me. My hands trace my features and I sigh. I lean over the sink and splash cold water into my face.

I walk around my house, looking at everything inside. Begging the universe for a distraction. All of my friends are asleep, Oliver is the one person I'm trying to avoid (mostly due to social awkwardness), and my parents are in another state.

So am I gonna run away from confronting the big scary sexuality monster? Or am I gonna lay in my bed and think about it for the rest of the night?

The first sounds much more appealing, but the second is inevitable.

I walk to the fridge and look through leftovers. I settle on cereal dinner and make that instead. I sit in silence and eat my cereal. God, okay.

Do I like Ollie? Well yeah most likely. Why do I like him? What does that mean for me? What does that mean for the future?

I like him because he's cute. I know that. He make the most mundane and boring tasks fun. I like when he flaps his hands when he gets happy. I like when he laughs, and checks to make sure I'm laughing too. I like when he calls me silly names.

What does that mean? I have no clue. I guess I'm like? Bisexual or something? Man I should talk to Niki or Eret or something. They know about stuff like that. I am not ready to tell anyone any of this yet though. I should know more about this. My entire following is gay teens.

Am I a gay teen?

Probably, if I like Oliver so much.

I put my empty bowl in the sink and go back up to my room. I hear an unfamiliar ringtone from my covers. I look through my duvet to find Oliver's phone with a thousand Twitter notifications.

Oh god. Ollie you do not know what you do to me. I set his phone on silent and out it on my desk. I should probably take it back to him soo-

My phone starts ringing. I pick up the unknown caller.

"Hey so I know this is awkward but-"

"Oliver? How are you calling me?"

"House phone. Anyway, I know this is super awkward because of everything and whatever but I want my phone back. Can you please bring it to me? I'll make it up to you!"

I sigh and rub my eyes, "give me 10 minutes."

"Thank you so much" he hung up.

Oliver, I'm trying to have a moment. You keep forcing yourself into my brain.

But I can't be too upset.

I slip on my vans and put Oliver's phone in my pocket. I'll only be outside for a second. I don't need a coat.

I rush over to Oliver's door, knocking. I hear footsteps rush down to the door. Oliver opens the door, his expression softening.

"Hey! Um-" he starts, I hand him the phone. He takes it with sweater paws. God, please stop being cute. "Thanks again, um, wanna come inside?"

What do I have to lose?

"S-sure." I take off my shoes and come inside. Oliver looks at his phone, scrolling through notifications. We walk down the hallway and Oliver flops onto the couch.


"Yeah... I didn't lie." He says, putting up his hood and pulling the strings.

"So do you..."

"Yeah, probably."

"O-oh. Ok-kay."

"Have you ever liked a boy before?" Oliver's hood was almost all the way cinched, you could only see his hair and eyes poking through .

"No, I don't think so. How did you know that I was having trouble with that part?"

"Everyone has trouble with that part. Lots of boys I've had things with had trouble with that part. You get nervous, you get stressed. Everything seems like it's crumbling around you."

He sighs, "but, luckily you've got a supportive fanbase, and I'm sure your friends will be cool about it. Not to mention, you have me." He grabs my hand and looks at me, hoodie strings coming undone.

"Can I be honest?" I ask. He hums a yes, "You have no idea what you do to me." His face goes red "N-n-not- not like that! You just do these little things that drive me nuts. The sweater paws, the flirting, the stims. You-y-y-"

"I'm cute?" He finishes with a stupid giggle, proving my point.

"Yeah. That. Why are you so cute?"

"It's all natural, baby!" He flips his hair.

"Oh my gooood." I draw out, covering my face. It doesn't help that he's inching closer and closer to me.

"Ranboooo, do you have a crush? Maybe on me?" Ollie twirls his hoodie strings

"Shut up, n-n-no." I lean away from him.

"Are you lying? I can believe your lying." He leans against me.

"Fine! Maybe I do like you. What about it?"

"I like you too, I think." Oliver starts to curl up, putting his knees into his hoodie.

"What? What does that? What?" I look at him in disbelief. He laughs at me.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm hella gay for tall guys with good senses of humor. You happen to be the only guy I know that meets those qualifications."

"O-oh my." My heart beats a million times a minute. Oliver sits up.

"So! It is now my mission to romance you!" He says, full of confidence.

"Me?" I say as he turns toward me, adjusting his seating.

"Mhmm! Who else? Expect the romance dile to go all the way up!"

"Oh god."


I love writing in Ranboos POV. Anyway, expect the romance to be bumped up to 11. I'm so ready to write fluff oh my god.

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