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𝚁𝚊𝚗𝚋𝚘𝚘'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

I shuffle into my house, shoving off my shoes and putting up my hat and coat. I quickly tweet out an announcement that I won't be streaming today, simply because I had plans. I tell mom that I'm having the neighbor boy over tonight, she was pleased to hear that.

"Hey! Ready to meet big t?" I step to the side, letting him in.

"Ready as I'll ever be." He untied his boots and pulled them off, setting them neatly next to mine. I lead him up the stairs to my room and opened the door. He stops for a moment in my doorway.

"You weren't kidding when you said you played games." He said ruffling his hair back.

"I do! And I'm good, extremely good." I sit down at my desk and pull up Tubbo's discord.

"How does all of this shit glow?" He looks over my shoulder, he's on his tip toes.

"Uh, I think tiny LED lights. Okay I'm gonna give him a call and say hello but I'll hand him to you after." Oliver nods in excitement and sits in my bed.

I ring Tubbo and he picks up immediately,

"Hey Tubbo, my friend Oliver wants to meet you." Oliver lets out a 'hi' from the background.

"Oliver? That's a quite nice name. Am I on speaker?"He asks, taking a bite of something

"One minute, I'll hand him the headphones." I get up out of my chair and motion Oliver over. He gets up and I hand him the headphones.

𝚃𝚞𝚋𝚋𝚘'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

I hear some shuffling on the other end of the line, I take another bite of my pasta and set it to the side.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" a voice peeps out.

"Yes, Hello! Oliver is it?" I ask back.

"Yeah, hi, hi! Tubbo?"

"Mhm, tell me about yourself Oliver. How long have you known my pal Ranboo?"

"Well, uh, I like photography and I play a tiny bit of ukulele? And I've known Ranboo since last week." Last week? That's not long.

"Oh wow! I like myself some uke as well. Say, can Ranboo hear me?"

"No, I don't believe so. Why?"

"Do you wanna hear all his secrets?" I'm sure that this would make a good video, in theory.

"Uh, sure! What kinds?"

"Embarrassing kinds, he's a huge nerd." Oliver laughs, I take another bite of pasta. "He listens to strange music, he has an odd fashion sense, oh my goodness don't get me started on how he types." Oliver was now laughing even harder. A voice interjected in the background.

"What is he saying that's so funny?" Ranboo asks, you could tell he was further away.

"Oliver, don't tell him anything. If you keep this between us I'll tell you about how he spent valentines day." Oliver was now laughing twice as hard.

𝙾𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚛'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

I struggle to breathe as Ranboo comes up from behind the chair and lifts the headphones from my ears. He starts to interrogate Tubbo for a moment, leaning over me in the chair. I calm down and start to hear Tubbo laughing through the headphones, denying everything that Ranboo asks him.

"Okay, what did you say to him? Oliver what did he say?"

"Nothing! He was sitting in complete silence on the other end!" I hear Tubbo gasp dramatically at the lie.

"That's it, you've lost headphone privileges, I'm returning on my phone." Ranboo disconnects and reconnects on his phone and hands me an airpod. I put it in my ear.

"Awh maaan! You guys are gonna sound so crunchy now! Ranboo I miss your beautiful voice!" Tubbo complains. Ranboo sits back on his bed and I sit with him, his face is slightly red from embarrassment.

"Awh nooor not yur beautiful voice!" I mimicked Tubbo's accent.

"Ey piss off!" he says, Ranboo giggles at this. "We sould game, I'm in a gaming mood. I wanna beat little 'ol Ollie over here."

"Oh no I'm horrible, I only play like, stardew valley." I say sitting cross-legged.

"Didn't Niki and Wilbur play that Ranboo?" I look up at ranboo and mouth 'Niki and Wilbur?' He dismisses my confusion with a hand flop.

"Yeah I think so, way back." He says, then grabs his phone and types something out.

"Who's Niki and Wilbur?" I ask, shifting to lay on his bed, resting my head on my hands.

"Some more friends I play games with, they are very sweet." Ranboo replies, setting his phone back down.

"What other games you got Ranboo?" Tubbo asks.

"Isn't it like 4am there Tubbo? You should go to sleep, don't you have college or something?"

"Nope! I dropped out last week!" I choked on my breath, didn't expect that.

"Wha- y'know what? I'm gonna put a pin in that, see you later Tubbo."

"It was nice meeting you!"

"But- i wanted to ga-" Ranboo hung up on him, laughing. He got up and ruffled his hair.

"You want something to eat? I could order something." I paused, he was standing in his open doorway, leaning his weight to one side, hair all up in his face. A fuzzy feeling in my guts started to rise.

"Oh yeah! You like Panda? I'm in the mood for chinese." I got up, pushed up my glasses, and followed him down the stairs. He swings around on the end of the stair rail into the kitchen.

"Sure! I'll order in now, what do you want?" He leans against the kitchen counter and pulls up Doordash. I sit in a bar stool on the other side of the counter.

"Get me some orange chicken and fried rice, what are you gonna get?"

"Hm, probably Mongolian beef, I'll share the fried rice with you."He says, looking up at me for a moment and looking back down. "Should be on its way soon."

"Awesome, thank you." I pause for a moment, "Hey, is it weird that it feels like I've known you for years, even though I just met you this week?" I play with my hair, twirling it around in my finger.

"I don't think so, we just bounce off each other well I suppose." He puts down his phone and puts his head in his hands, elbows on the counter.

"I suppose," I stop myself from flirting. Even if it was a joke, i don't know his boundaries. "I suppose so." He lets out a small laugh.

"It's too quiet in here, lemme put on some music." he opens spotify, "you want a soda or somethin'?" He slides his socks on the kitchen floor and opens his fridge.

"What kinds do you have?" I ask, humming along to the song playing.

"Lets see, Coke, Dr.Pepper, and Mountain Dew." He grabs a Dr.Pepper for himself.

"Gimme one of those" I point to the soda he's holding.

"Hah okay, you want ice?" He grabs two glasses.

"Yeah, thanks." He pours the sodas and the doorbell rings. "Must be the food."

"Would you go get it? Ill get the plates and stuff. Just sign under my name." I walk over to the door,

"Ooooh isnt that a crime?"

"Yeah probably, just get the food you nerd." He laughs.

I open the door and sign under Ranboo's name and take the food, thanking the delivery guy. I bring in the food to the kitchen and set it on the counter, pulling out the takeout boxes. I catch Ranboo looking at me,

"What are you looking at? Can a man enjoy his takeout?"


Heya! It's me W again, I attached some chill tunes for you fools to listen to while reading this chapter. I really enjoyed writing this one, the dialogue was fun. Anyway, make sure that you have eaten/drank water today, I love you so much! {1.2k words}

||𝘋𝘶𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘹|| Ranboo x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now