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𝚁𝚊𝚗𝚋𝚘𝚘'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

We watched T.V in silence as we ate, Oliver would laugh sometimes, but that was it. I would occasionally lean over and take a bite of some fried rice.
"Can I try yours? I haven't gotten the Mongolian beef there yet." Oliver asked

"Sure." I carefully put a piece on his plate, and he puts it in his mouth, humming. "Is it up to your standard? Does it have the seal of 'Ollie approval'?"

"It's okay, about as good as this chicken." He holds up a piece with his chopsticks and pauses. "Go on, try it?" I nervously lean over and bite the chicken, Oliver giggling at me.

"What?" I say, covering my mouth.

"I didn't expect you to actually take it, I envy your confidence." he says, turning back to his food.

"Me? Confident? No, no, no, never." I replied, my actions finally setting in.

"I dunno, having a random guy over to chill, watch a movie and buying him dinner. Thats some smooth shit right there." A moment after, both of our faces go red. "Unless you aren't, y'know, then this joke isn't funny. I'm really sorry, that was a little far." Oliver rambled on.

"No, no , no , I am it's just- I didn't realize how much this seemed like a... Yeah." I put my head in my hands. I just totally took this guy on a date without knowing. "Im so stupid" I mumble from behind my palms.

"It's okay, Im stupid too. That wasn't even a good joke." I laugh, he smiles at me."I think you're an interesting person, Ranboo."

"Oh come on"

"Im serious! I wanna know more about you. What games do you like? What's your favorite burger joint? What member of 1D do you think is the hottest?" He took a bite of chicken.

I laugh, "to hell with horoscopes, what member of 1D is the hottest?" Oliver nodded. "I couldn't tell 'ya. Holy cow."

"Is it because they're all too dreamy?" Oliver fluttered his eyelashes and laughed at his own joke.

"Ah man, don't do me like that!" I shove him lightly on the shoulder, this makes him laugh even more. His eyes crinkle at the edges and his teeth peek through his lips. His hair flops as he leans back, and his hands do happy flops. I realize I've been staring. He calms down.

"I think I'm done, I'll eat the rest tomorrow for lunch." He says, getting up. "Where do you keep your tupperwares?"

"Let me help you." I get up and grab him a plastic container. I snatch some duct tape and rip off a piece, place it on the lid, and write "Ollie's lunch" on top. I flip over the lid so he can't see. He's busy scraping the rest of the fried rice and chicken into the box. When he's done, I place the lid on the container, making sure it's on tight. "My mom should be home soon, she's weird."

"Yeah, Mine wants me home. I think i'm gonna go, But first." he pulls his phone out of his pocket. "Gimme your number? I like hanging out with you." I punch in my digits into the contacts list and set my name.

"Thanks for coming over and eating my food." I say as he shoves on his boots.

"Thanks for letting me torment your friend and low-key flirt with you." He says, takes the container out of my hands, and walks out the door.

I walk up my stairs in silence, remembering everything that happened throughout the evening. I open my door and flop onto my bed, opening my phone to scroll through some art to take my mind off of things.

I plug in my headphones, press spotify, and play my music. I listen to the lyrics of some of my favorite songs and they all relate to my current problems. I yank my headphones out and get up, B lining for the bathroom. I need to wash my face, it's all hot. I rinse my face with cool water, drying it off and start preparing a shower. I grab my towel, my clothes, and a bottle of bubbles to treat myself.

I run the water, checking to see if it's too hot or too cold and making sure that the drain is open. I start the shower and get in, completely disregarding music. I feel the warm water hug me all around and close my eyes. I quickly wash myself and hop out, not wanting to waste any more water than necessary. I treat my hair, using heat protectant and oils to keep it safe from the hair dryer.

Soon enough again I'm in my bed again, thinking about Oliver and how I was so oblivious. I feel embarrassment eat me whole and my face runs red again.

"Oh god, what even is this. What am I doing to myself. I dont even know if I'm gay or bi or whatever." I whisper to myself, trying to sort out my thoughts. I think about what my family would think, I think about my community, and my surge in popularity. I know most people would be supportive, but there's always those few. I put my head in my hands and think for a while longer.

Everything has happened so fast and i really don't know what to make of it all, what would tubbo think? Would he still feel secure in our friendship? Would they still want to make all of those flirty jokes? My brain was going a million miles a minute. I didn't even know what my mom was going to think. I felt like my world was caving in, until I got a message.

 I felt like my world was caving in, until I got a message

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Sorry for the wait! Ive been very busy with school and such. Anyway, Ranboo might have a tad bit of a cruuuush...

⟪1k words⟫

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