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𝙾𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚛'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅
I walk into my house and kick off my boots, struggling with my socks coming off from inside. I step into my kitchen and put the takeout in the fridge. I think about what i did in my day, and decided it was a successful one. I get up my stairs and into my room, starting to settle down for the evening.
I pull off my day clothes and slip on a big sweater, one of my favorites, and some fluffy socks. I put on my chill music and shoot ranboo's number a text.
I sit there for a moment, unsure of what i want to do. I could play some games or draw something, but quite frankly, I dont have the energy for that. I scroll through instagram for a while, looking at memes and random news.
I've been waiting for Wilbur to release his new song, so i visit his story for updates. I tap through his story, pictures of him and his friends pop up.
"Wait what?" I read through the last slide again. It was an advertisement for one of Wilburs new videos, a Minecraft one. 'New Origins Smp video out! Feat. Ranboo and Slimecicle!' It read, with a picture of a couple Minecraft characters.
"What the fuuuuck?" I whisper to myself, before getting a text. I reply to Ranboo quickly, then go back to Instagram.
I type his name into the search bar, seeing multiple fan accounts pop up. What kind of double life is this guy living? I click on an account with a blue icon and scroll through the pictures.
That sure was his kitchen, that sure was his mess of hair, and that sure was his voice. The follower count was massive, he was mutuals with Wilbur. I look through who he follows, Tommyinnit, Nihachu, Fundy, Philza, Technoblade. Who were these people?
I woke up the next morning almost forgetting what I had discovered last night. It was nice outside, but it's always nice in winter. No blistering heat, just a comfortable 70.
I groggily pull on some pants and slippers, slowly going to the kitchen. I brew a cup of coffee and snag a filled donut from a box mom must have brought home.
I should invite Ranboo over, moms at work and I have nothing to do. I ring his phone and wait for him to pick up, putting it on speaker.
"Heeey Ranboo, wanna hang out ?"
"Lemme see, I might have something to do..." he pauses for a moment, making clicking with this tongue. "I can come over at 12?"
" 12 sounds great!" I say, taking a sip of coffee.
"Hey, I have some incredibly monotonous work to do for science. Wanna stay on the line till I get it done?" He asks, clicking his mouse.
"Sure, I just gotta clean up a tad and like, get dressed." I look at my reflection in the microwave door. "What are your plans today, besides me of course."
"I'm gonna do something with a couple of my online friends, something simple like a little bit of Minecraft." He says, typing and scribbling on the other end of the line.
"Sounds like fun!" I walk up the stairs and close my door behind me. "What should I wear?" I mumble.
"Hm?" He says, pausing his studies. "Don't ask me for fashion advice. I'm horrible."
"What makes your fashion taste horrible?" I flip through my shirts and pick an army green hoodie, a pair of mom jeans, and a tight top with an embroidered design on the chest.
"Oliver, I'm so bad. The best casual outfit I have is a Hawaiian shirt." He says as I pull the clothes over me.
"I didn't take you for a Hawaiian shirt kinda guy."
"What is that supposed to mean!?" He laughs.
"It's nothing, trust me." I laugh with him and apply some smudgy eyeliner under my eyes.
"I really don't, I feel a sense of jealousy. Jealousy for my Hawaiian shirt game." He huffs, and goes back to studying.
I walk into my bathroom and pull out my brush, detangling my bed head. "I really don't, they are not very flattering on me."
"Oh god, okay. I gotta go, the boys are calling me"
"I'm sure they do Ranboo." I giggle.
"Wha- y'know what, I'll get back to you about that. I'll see you in a tad."
"Byyye!" I say and end the call. It's hard to believe that guy is famous.
𝚁𝚊𝚗𝚋𝚘𝚘'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅
I disconnect from Oliver's call and join Tubbo's and Tommy's. We're supposed to be doing a Minecraft map stream for Tubbo's channel.
"Hello Ranboob" Tommy greets
"Hello Tommy, hey Tubbo!"
"Hellooo big man! What were you up to?" Tubbo asks, I answer without thinking.
"Talking to Ollie, making plans."
"Who the fuck is Ollie? Is that your girlfriend?" Tommy asks, teasing me. My face goes red.
"Tommy you idiot. Oliver is a boy, and he's one of Ranboo's real life friends" Tubbo explains, thank god.
"Oh so he's your Boyfriend! Your new boyfriends and asshole"
"Tommy, noooo" I slump in my chair and my face only gets redder. "I am the most single person on earth."
"The two of you are ridiculous. And you are not single! You have me, your loving husband and Micheal!!" Tubbo sounds betrayed.
"Ah yes, I almost forgot."
"Okay boys, I gotta greet my stream. Gimme 5." Tubbo says.
A minute or two goes by before Tommy starts asking me about Oliver again.
"How come Tubbo know Oliver and not me!? Does he stream too? I find it sus that you are making plans with him on a Saturday." Tommy rattles off questions, not stopping so I could answer.
"Why is Saturday so specific?"
"Because Saturdays are for women."
"That's not at all how that phrase goes. And to answers like all of that: Oliver is my next door neighbor, we've been hanging out lately. You don't know him because you are very... how do I put this..."
"It's okay big man, I get it. You guys are just closer and you don't trust people easily and mimimimimis!"
"What- y'know what I'll take it. It's not true , but I'll take it."
Tubbo unmutes and we start the stream.

||𝘋𝘶𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘹|| Ranboo x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now