⧼𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘩𝘶𝘨𝘴⧽

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Straight banger ↑↑

𝙾𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚛'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

I wake up pressed against the airplane window, the flight attendants are handing out sanitizer again. I look over to see Ranboo asleep a seat over from me, hair messy.

The lights of the airplane are dimmed, it is quiet, aside from the engine noises. I check my phone, 5:00am. Huh. Must've changed time zones.

The co-pilot came over the intercom, speaking about how we were landing soon. I try and gently wake up Ranboo, seeing as he was K.Oed next to me.

"Hey, Ranboo, honey? We are about to land" I speak only above a whisper.

"Hm? W-what?" He mumbles, eyes still closed. His face is so sweet right now.

"We are landing soon, you should get up before the turbulence really kicks in." I hold his hand.

"Ugh my back hurts... more than usual." He rubs his eyes and cracks his back.

"Are you ready to drink coffee and eat a donut as fast as you can?" I ask him.

"I'm ready to do those things, I don't know if I could do them fast." He puts his phone in his backpack. The plane begins to experience turbulence, and the seatbelt light turns on.

As the plane descends, I take pictures of the sunrise and one of me and Ranboo to send to Tubbo when we land.

As we land, we wait for the flight attendants to allow us to sit up. The land was nerve racking, plane landings always are though.

As we get off the plane, I laugh at Ranboo needing to duck under most of the doorways, when I can get through them just fine.

We walk out of the terminal to the bathrooms, then walk around trying to find a place to eat. After the realization that moving sidewalks exist, we spot the giant DunkinDonuts sign from across the airport.

Ranboo and I rush over to the café, Ranboo's legs moving much faster than mine.

We order our coffees and donuts, which taste like heaven. We find our next terminal, and sit down.

"Dude this is all I need right now." I say.


We finish up our food and throw away the wrappers. Our flight is soon called to board, Ranboo groans.

"It's so cramped in there. The one time my height isn't a total advantage."

"L. Thank god I'm normal sized."

"Below average, actually. There is no way you are above 6 foot." He starts to walk over to the line to be boarded

I follow behind, "Rude, 5'8 is perfectly average. You are just a freak."

"Ow my feelings!" He dramatically pouts.

"Shut up and watch you head, tall man."


Our last four flights were draining, long hours of watching the flight plan and listening to stolen music. The last flight was the hardest. The layover was super short and the anticipation was killing Ranboo .

"I just want to be there now!!" He complains, slumping in his seat.

"I know honey, you'll see your best friend soon."

"Tommy is gonna be sooo jealous." He thinks out loud.

"Yeah, he'll probably make a TikTok about it."

"Hah! You're so right."

When we landed, Ranboo was excited, like , so excited. He unloaded from the plane and made our way out of the terminal. I called my mom quickly, and Ranboo called Tubbo.

||𝘋𝘶𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘹|| Ranboo x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now