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𝚁𝚊𝚗𝚋𝚘𝚘'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

I walk out and sit back down, the gang is chatting about traveling.

"Remember when I was stuck in Germany?" Wilbur says, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Yeah! And Niki had to deal with you for like 2 months?" Tommy said.

"You insufferable child." Wilbur flicks Tommy's forehead.

"Ranboo! Your stuff came!" Oliver pats the booth space next to him.

"Thanks, what did I miss?"

"Just Tommy and Wilbur bickering. And the story of how Mumza and Dadza met." Tubbo answered, sipping his smoothie.

"Ah that's a good story. Wanna know how I met Oliver?"

"Dude I've been trying to get this one out of him for months." Tubbo whispers not-so-secretly to Tommy.

"Go for it, BooBoy." Wilbur says

"So Oliver lives in the same duplex as me, but didn't talk for me for MONTHS because we are hermits. I think it was a couple weeks into October when we first spoke. Remember crunching those leaves at the bus stop?" I turn to Oliver.

"Yeeeah, I love that time of year." Oliver hums, reminiscing.

"Anyway, he was new to the school so I took him around. Eventually we hung out outside of school."

The table lets out a couple "awww"s

"Ranboo man, that's so sweet. Look at you two, almost as close as Tubbo and Tommy." Wilbur says, Phil nods, "Oh to be a highschooler again. You guys make me feel old."

"Old? Mate I'm married!" Phil says, holding up Kristen's hand as she giggles. Jack just looks so single.

"Not for long." Tommy mumbles, slouching back in his seat, eating a baked good.

"W-w-whats that supposed to mean?" I shudder.

"Wouldn't you like to know."

"You scare me."


We finished and left the cafe soon after, wanting to see the most of Brighton together as possible. Apparently, the bus is our main source of transportation today. We load into the bus, some of us sitting and some standing.

"Oliver, buddy, you gotta tell me, what's it like having a streamer as your next door neighbor?" Jack asks.

"Well, if I'm being honest... it was super annoying before I met him." He laughed, "But I'm glad it was him. And it's a lot more entertaining now that I'm in the background of all of them. I actually know what's going on."

"Oh god, I wonder how my parents feel sometimes. Christ." Tommy says, dragging his hand down his face.

"I can only imagine the regret." Tubbo says, elbowing tommy. Tommy laughs.

"My parents have been bussiness-ing the last couple months, oh lord I hope they don't mind the noise when they get back."

"Oh is that why I never see them?" Oliver asks, latching his pinky to mine. My heart pounds with anxiousness, but no one seems to notice.

"Yeah, they work across seas in France. Some kind of big shot tech company."

"God you two are so fucking American. 'Beeg shot technologee companee'" Wilbur mocks.

" 'I am going to purchAce somethang with my creDIT cAurd' " Tubbo says, in another poorly done accent.

"Shut up! At least our food tastes like something. At least we have freedom and... I dunno... guns?" Oliver says.

||𝘋𝘶𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘹|| Ranboo x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now