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𝚁𝚊𝚗𝚋𝚘𝚘'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅
Oliver and I sit and watch a movie for a while.

This would be all fine and dandy if he wasn't leaning against me. It would be all sunshine rainbows if I could stop thinking about what 'dial up the romance' meant.

I don't even know what movie we're watching. This is both horrible and wonderful at the same time.

Every once in a while, Ollie would pull on my shirt and show me a funny DM when the commercials were playing. He'd look at me with those big eyes through those round frames. And my heart would stutter.

He would fidget with his fingers in his lap, or laugh suddenly at the screen, or nudge me to make a reference to the show (usually in a flirty manner) and it would drive me nuts.

C'mon universe! Give me some time to process all this stuff.

The movie ended and credits rolled, Oliver let out a groan.

"They left it on such a fucking cliffhanger. This is lame."

"Did you at least like it?"

He turns off the tv, "It had some funny bits, but the plot didn't make any sense to me." He turns to me, "I just realized that I've hung out with you all day."

"Yeah? What of it? I do that all the time with Tubbo."

"It's different, we're 'talking' now. We're like a thing. I don't think you and Tubbo are a thing."

My face goes red, 'talking'???

"N-no, me and Tubbo are only platonically married for Minecraft role play reasons."

"Speaking of that, I found so much cute art of us!" He pulls out his phone and scrolls through a hashtag with me, showing me his favorites.

"This is so cool. I wanna stream more often with you!"

"It's kinda expensive, and a little draining, but I bet you could do it."

"Hmm. You should tell me more about it, I wanna listen to you talk." He puts down his phone, and looks at me with a cute smile on his face.

"Haa okay. Um, where to start. So I mostly stream on a server called the 'dream smp'. On the server we do kinda a mix of lore and shitposty content. So sometimes I'll do a stream with intense monologue and improv, and another stream will be me hanging with Tubbo while he plays an annoying instrument and modifies his voice to go all high pitched." Oliver cuddles up next to me as I talk, "I stream every day after I do my homework, and for like 2-4 hours. I love interacting with my fanbase, they are so nice." I hear Oliver next to me softly snore. I hum and gently get up, making sure I had everything that I came with.

I find a throw blanket and cover him up, take off his glasses, and push away the thought of carrying him up to his room.

I run back to my house and slip off my shoes. The time is 11:34, it's way too late to be in jeans. I get into my room and change into sweatpants, taking off my jewelry. I sit down in my chair and put on some music, humming along.

I scroll through my Twitter feed, looking at fanarts of me and Oliver. People were tagging it as Verboo and ranoli. Ranoli sounds like pasta. People requested that Oliver should be added to the dream smp, or that he should be in a video.

Oliver in a video with me? It could be fun. We need to set up his socials so that they are safer before that.

Before I knew it, I was looking through Oliver's Twitter page, seeing what he liked and what he posted. A couple cute selfies along with pictures of snails and moths. I'm jealous of how well he dresses.

||𝘋𝘶𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘹|| Ranboo x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now