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𝙾𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅
I put in the keys to the car and back out of the parking lot. I start to try and think of what I want to get for coffee. Maybe something fruity? Haha fruity. I'll look at the displays when I get there. I grab the AUX from next to me and give it to Ranboo.

"Pick a song, I wanna get to know your music taste, Mr.Popular."

"Okay- Mr.Popular?" He plugs his phone in and searches for music.

"Mr. 575k-on-instagram"

"Oh, yeah" he chuckles, choosing a song. Ricky Montgomery plays throughout my car.

"This one is so sad" I say to him, sticking my lip out.

"I thought it was romantic." He looks out the window

"You tryin' to romance me?" I say, his head swivels, face beet red.

"T-That's not what i was getting at."

"Suuure, Mr.Loverman. Next thing y'know you're gonna start telling me you listen to sweater weather." I laugh, trying to pay attention.

"I what?"

"Its a reference"

We pull into the Starbucks. Walking in, I ask him what hes gonna get.

"I dunno, I dont drink much coffee."

"Then get one of those refreshers or something." I point to a sign with two drinks on it.

"What do they have in them?"

"Kiwi and Dragon Fruit berry are your options. Kiwi one is all seed-y"

"What are you gonna get?"

"Probably a dragon one, they look pretty." The display shows a magenta drink with purple berries floating at the top.

"That's not a good way to pick a drink, but I'll get one too."

"Awwwe, we'll match!" I nudge his side. He ruffles my hair up. "Hey that wasn't nice."

The lady behind the counter takes our orders and we wait to get our drinks. Ranboo leans against the counter and scrolls on his phone for a minute.

"Whattya lookin at?" I stand on my tippy toes to look at him over his phone.

"Hm? Oh just Twitter. Tommy is getting all jealous again."

"Who's Tommy? You've mentioned him before."

"Another annoying brit, just kidding. He's close with Tubbo, we stream together sometimes."

"Oooo! Who is he jelly for?"

"He's mad that I'm 'taking Tubbo from him'. It's just jokes for Twitter though."

"Lemme see!" I lean against Ranboo, he brings the phone down to my eye level. I read through the tweets. "One sec let me follow you 'n the guys."
Ranboo sucks air through his teeth.


"Hell yeah, follow me back." I search for his account.

"Okay, just don't get mad when people flood your dms. Might wanna change your settings." He points to his account.

"I can't believe I'm besties with a celebrity." I wink at him all cheesy-like. He laughs.

"Order for Ollie?" The barista calls from the counter. Ranboo gets our drinks and I look at him, fluttering my eyelashes.

"Ollie? You gave her my nickname? That's so cuuute." His face goes red.

"You told me you liked Ollie." He leans against the door, pushing it open.

||𝘋𝘶𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘹|| Ranboo x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now