✹𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺...?✹

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Before this chapter starts, I want to say thank you to everyone who votes, comments, or even just reads my book. I didn't believe that I would still be writing this 2 months after starting it. I genuinely appreciate you all. We just hit 13k reads and 580 votes and that seems unreal. I know that it's a little weird to be thanked by some anonymous writer through a Minecraft roleplay fic, but just know that I super appreciate you guys. I love reading your funny comments and talking about Franklin (our beloved).

I almost discontinued this a while ago, (maybe around chapter 10?) due to one of my irl friends desperately trying to find this book. He never did, by the way.

Okay, one last thing before the chapter starts, I love you very much. I hope you guys are doing well.


𝚃𝚞𝚋𝚋𝚘'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

I watched as the two Americans giggled in front of me, Ranboo trying to force secrets out of Oliver, Oliver holding onto the secrets with an iron fist. I hop up on a barstool and watch the two banter. Ranboo grabs Ollie and picks him up, rendering him defenceless.

"Since when are you two so touchy?" I ask the pair

"Since this one started telling my secrets!"

"Put me down already!" Ranboo doesn't put him down, infact, he hoists Oliver up on his shoulder like a sack of spuds.

"Alrighty, let's continue with the rest of the tour." Ranboo says, Oliver kicking and protesting like a toddler. I hop down and march in front of them through the house. Oliver eventually gave up fighting and just rested while Ranboo carried him around. Cute.

"And I think that's it!" I brush my hands together and lean against my door. Ranboo set Oliver down and Oliver wobbled.

"What's behind there?" Oliver asks

"Where you fools will be staying." I reply, opening the door to the attic, now expanded into my studio/room.

"Aw dude you're studio turned out so good." We walk in, I flop on the daybed.

"Look! And I got this! Not exactly a couch but look..." I pull out the second mattress from underneath.

"Dude how are all three of us gonna sleep there? I'm massive." Ranboo sits on the bed to make a point.

"I'll just sleep on top of you, it'll be fine." I look at Oliver, surprised he just made that joke.

"What?" I ask.

"You heard me." Oliver sits down next to ranboo and dramatically flops onto his lap. Ranboo's face is bright red, I snapped a picture. He tries to regain composure.

"Haha Ollie, sure man. Nothin wrong with cuddling the homies." Ranboo laughed, Oliver looked up at him, eyes fluttering.

"Yo, earth to captain Veroli? You good mate?" I ask.

"Just jetlagged. Gonna take a nap."

"Please let me make the bed first." I leave the room to grab some sheets, and when I come back I hear them talking. I shouldn't eavesdrop but...

"Ollie, you are not good at pretending."

"C'mon hun, it's fine. We are totally just homies. Just two dudes."

"Chillin in a hot tub?"

"Five feet apart cause their not gay." what the fuck are they talking about? 'Hun'? Hot Tubs?

I open the door, blue bed sheets in hand, "Hey guys? Can one of you help me put on the fitted sheet?"

"Sure dude, let me get this goblin man off my lap." Ranboo playfully pushes off Oliver and sits up, I give him the fitted sheet. He helps me tuck the sheet under the mattress from the other side of the bed, spreading it out even.

||𝘋𝘶𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘹|| Ranboo x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now