47 the disaster

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47 the disaster

The usual calm in the base is disrupted. Chaos everywhere. People walk and run, few ones are eating in the canteen, the control room is full. In one hallway stands Poe, talking with various persons. As he sees Rey, he leaves the group.
"What is going on?" Rey asks nervously.
"Hux was murdered tonight," he lets out with a worried glance. He sees her face stretch out in pain with her messy hair and in her pyjamas.
No, that's not possible, BB-8 was on the night shift and I took him from it. Now Hux is dead because of me, she thinks. A repressed cry comes out of her throat.
"Are you alright?" Poe asks panicked.
"It's my fault, it's my fault," she repeats.
Poe gently takes her in his arms to calm her down. Cursing into his arms, Rey doesn't try to hide any pain from the people passing by.
"I can't do this, Poe, I can't," she repeats while he drags her into his room.
"It's okay, we'll find a way, it's okay."
Gasping for air, her sobs decrease. This tender hug helps her a lot, like an anchor for a boat in a wild storm. "I'm the most irresponsible person ever," she complains.
"Why are you so harsh to yourself? We all do a mistake. Why is it your fault anyway?"
"BB-8 was on his night shift, but I took him with me on Yavin IV."
"Do you really think he could've done something against it?"
"Never underestimate a droid," Rey whispers.
"The murder was planned, we don't have any suspects yet. We checked the security cameras, the person must have come through the window. And why were you on Yavin IV?"
"I'll find Finn and explain it to you both. Do you know where he is?"
"Probably in his room. He didn't come out of it yesterday."
As soon as Rey hears it, she jumps out of the room and arrives to Finn's. Violently opening the door, she finds Finn and Rose sleeping in each other's arms. Rey closes the door gently.
"They're still sleeping, Rose and him," she whispers to Poe who followed her.
"They had a long night, I guess," Poe smiles.
"I need to tell him now," she says thoughtful. Hux is dead because of me, is currently everything that goes through her head. What she found out on Yavin IV seems like ages ago. "Do you think I can wake him up?"
"If it's so important, you can do it."
Rey carefully reenters the room and shakes Finn. With the tempo of a snail, he opens his eyes.
"What is going on?" Finn asks with his morning voice.
Rose wakes up too with a yawn and body stretch.
"First Hux was murdered," Rey rapidly says, not leaving them any time to proceed the information. "Secondly, I was on Yavin IV. It's confirmed, the vision shows the future. I saw Yugantar in older and Shana as a woman. But you know that already. And I went to the superiors of the Temple. I found you and me."
"Wait, what? I'm confused," Finn lifts his body and leans on his elbows that stick in the mattress. "Look, Rey, I don't want to disappoint you, but – erm – I don't think I can do it, lead all the Jedis. I am maybe Force sensitive, but I don't think I want to do this intensively. I do like flying around with Poe, Rose and you, I'm fine with that. I'd maybe use the Force and a lightsaber if there is no other solution. But that's it."
Poe carefully looks at Rey in case she might break down a second time. All he sees is desperation in her eyes.
"But the vision says – " Rey tries.
"Visions aren't always right, right?"
"I wouldn't want to stay in the Temple on Yavin IV, so maybe yeah. But I can't do it alone either. I can trust you the most."
"Yugantar? Shana?" Finn proposes.
Rey leaves the room without closing the door. The friends all look at each other with the same thought.
"She's not okay, Finn," Poe warns. "I'm not saying you should do it, but take care. She broke down next to me. She needs time to do nothing, focus on herself. Or Ben Solo should return."
"I told her she shouldn't overwork herself. But she is quite stubborn."
"Yeah, she is. Anyway, I'll keep an eye on her. You too have a good time. I know the circumstances are a bit difficult."
"How was he murdered? Do we know who did it?" Rose asks.
"During the night, knife in his stomach, he died losing all his blood. He had a tissue around his mouth so he wouldn't scream. I think he cried while dying."
"That's horrible," Rose and Finn say together.
"Yes, I know. We will find the murderer and he will be judged," Poe explains with a frown. Biting his lips, he adds: "We unfortunately can't change the past, but he will be remembered."
"Thanks, Poe," Rose says with a sad smile.
Rose and Finn smile as Poe leaves to the canteen in order to get something under his teeth. Under the grin, Rose hides a bitterness. Just a few hours ago, she had talked with Hux and now he wasn't there anymore. She would never have a discussion with him again, see him with Carl Flair, hear his mockeries of the Resistance and its terrible sense of organisation.

Yugantar sits down next to Poe with red and sleepy eyes.
"You've been up all night, it seems," Poe jokes.
"Yeah. Too much thinking. Can't we just turn off our brains for some time?"
"That would be amazing. You still don't want to talk about what troubled you?"
"Just some girl," he mumbles to avoid the subject.
"A girl? Who? Why haven't you told me?" All the curiosity in Poe's mind suddenly wakes, impatient for more information.
"Kenna. The one from the control room," Yugantar whispers.
"Oh! I see! Love at the first sight, huh? And have you talked to her?"
"Yeah. I was on Naboo with her and Rey. Showed her my old house. Rey was in a terrible mood though. She needs our support."
"I know, but quit changing the subject. Does she like you?"
"I don't know. I'm tired. Maybe yeah. I can't tell."
"I want updates for the rest of your days," Poe jokes
"You'll get them," Yugantar says with a smile. "Don't worry." He hands the full plate back and heads back to his room. He doesn't really care about the murder while everyone is freaking out. The only thing he wonders about is how Hux's girlfriend feels. Yugantar forgot her name.
Kenna enters the room with a bright smile. It's as fragile as her happiness, Yugantar remembers.
"Hey," she greets. "How are you?"
"Sleepy and you?"
"I'm great. Did you hear the news?" she questions, suddenly serious. "It's horrible. Imagine I get murdered, that would be a shame..."
"Lucky it wasn't you," he says while he stands up.
Kenna is quite short, so he has to look down while she must bend her neck to be able to look into his eyes. Maybe the closeness of their bodies makes it even more difficult for her to properly see his face.
"Your people are so unorganised next to mine. We would never do such thing!"
Although she is much shorter, her confidence and love for the Empire is stronger on her side.
"The Empire wouldn't kill a Resistant? Ha, I'm not sure about that," Yugantar sarcasms. "I don't understand a lot about politics but I'm quite confident about that."
"You have no idea! You have never been part of the Empire." Her deception turns into anger and enthusiasm. "We have food for everyone while there is not enough here. Then, you guys have a terrible sense of organisation. It's chaos, the New Republic takes ages to form – "
Kenna is interrupted, she stops speaking. Against her lips are pressed another pair of lips. It's something Yugantar has never done before. He still doesn't understand what is so important about it. Surprised by this revelation, Kenna still doesn't stop him. But after some time, she chooses to push him back.
"This is really fast," she explains quickly and nervously. "My feelings are still unclear, I don't know if that's right. I mean, it's not wrong, but I don't think I'm ready."
"It's alright. I'm sorry to abrupt things," Yugantar apologises.
"It's not your fault. I gotta go, I have some stuff to do." She doesn't, she just needs to sort out her mind.

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