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48 help

Rey goes out in the rain, not minding it anymore. The twilight has started, the clouds turning blue. She protects herself under a tree and calls for Ben. But he's not answering when she needs him the most. Warm tears mix with the fresh water of the rain. Frozen, she stays there, accepting the cold she will catch.
"What is going on with you?" It's Finn. He uses his jacket to cover his face from the pouring rain. "You come back in. Now! You'll be sick for weeks," he yells.
Rey follows him. What do I want, she asks herself. She doesn't know anymore. Finn babysits her toward the bathroom.
"Look, Rey. I can't help you take that shower, I have my limits. Please do it yourself. I'll be waiting here."
After more than twenty minutes, she comes back with wet hair and fresh clothes that Finn took from her room. He takes her to her chamber and closes the door behind them.
"Rey, talk to me. What do you need? Let me help you."
"I don't know. I feel so... empty. General Hux is dead because of me, I think, I can't prove it. I saw myself in the future and I hate it. I miss Ben and Luke and Leia. I haven't had a real discussion with someone in a very long time. I feel alone again. Like I was on Jakku," she sobs.
"You're not alone. I'm here with you. Poe, Rose, Yugantar, BB-8, Chewie, all the Jedis, they're here. For you. We love you the way you are. And you're strong, Rey, you've overcome many other problems, you can overcome this one too."
Rey gratefully smiles to her best friend. "Seeing myself in this vision did something to me. I'm not myself anymore. I would never break down three times a day."
"Find yourself again then. It's the most important thing."
"Can you make me laugh?" Rey asks.
"Well, you are already smiling and I haven't said anything."
She chuckles and invites Finn to sit down on the ground next to her. "You're really good at comforting people though."
"But Rey," he starts. "You don't blame me too much for declining the Jedi stuff, please? I'm really sorry, but I can't – "
"Finn, it's okay. You have found yourself, you know what you want. That's great. And I might do it with someone else. Or alone."
"Poe told me that Yugantar has a girlfriend," Finn suddenly remembers.
"I don't really know, it's not official, but they keep flirting and staring into each other's eyes."
"Aren't they a bit young?" Finn wonders.
"We aren't much older, Finn. I mean, if it's teenage love, it will pass and they'll find someone else. I don't really think they are made for each other. He is acting different when he is around her. And that's not a good sign."
"Or he's different when he's with you," Finn remarks.
"I don't think so. He's quite shy, he tells her everything she wants to know while he only vaguely answers my questions. He's maybe scared of her, but I don't know."
"Pff, you're overdoing. Anyway, it's not good to talk about people behind their back. So what would bring you a smile?"
"Talking with you is amazing. I missed it."
"Then let's talk!"

Other people also gathered in a room. Charley, Rick and Warren for example. They spent all their days in a room, occasionally coming out to eat or do some business.
"I still don't know what I want to be here," Rick says. "Nothing seems tempting." He scratches the top of his head and readjust his dread locks.
"I think you could patrol here. Or start piloting," Charley proposes.
"I still want to be a barkeeper," Warren adds.
"Give us free drinks, please," Charley laughs.
"I'll make you pay more to keep the business good."
They all chuckle together.
"Charley, what about you?" Rick asks.
"I've been thinking about politics. Or defending people in weaker positions."
"Uuh," Rick and Warren say.
"Why did we get used to the names this Poe gave us? It's hilarious how fast we adapted," Rick notices.
"I like our names. I like the people here. No one is forcing us to do anything, that's just – wow," Warren states.
"Well, it's mainly because the system is building itself. In a month, things will look largely different. New presidency, conflicts, assembles, rescue missions, revolutions, economical changes," Charley names.
"I think she should be a politician", Rick says to Warren.
They all laugh together.
They have quite a good time next to Jannah. Lando has been consoling her all day, his eyes start to close.
"Why did they kill him?" Jannah repeats all the time.
"It's okay," he repeatedly answered to her.
After finding out the truth about her parents, now Hux was murdered. It was a fresh, new, unusual and protective relationship, both of them could feel how deep it went inside of them. All the memories with him seem holy and priceless now. She finally falls asleep on Lando's nap, who nods off too. Jannah has the scene of the last night in front of her eyelids. He didn't love her. But there must have been something else.
Torn from her dream where everything was perfect, no fear, no murders, Jannah wakes up in the middle of the night. She moves toward the wardrobe, Jannah hid the chain there. Hux wore it all the time, before left it. She closes it up in her palm and holds it close to her heart. The silver chain is then attached to her neck. I will never leave it, she promises to herself. Whatever happens.

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