34 the students

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34 the students

Many ships land every day with new people who want to join the Resistance or who come back from a mission. A ship announced itself and as soon as Finn heard from it, he rushed out. He looks at the huge ship slowly touching the ground. Chewie follows Finn's eyes when the passengers leave the ship, heavy bags behind their backs. Lando and Jannah have a smile on their face as they see that someone is already welcoming them. Chewie falls into Lando's arms who laughs. Jannah walks toward Finn and puts her bags down.
"So?" Finn asks impatiently.
"My parents were peaceful villagers. I heard they were a really kind couple. Lando has been amazing with me though. We've done many things, I feel like he's more a parent than them."
"I'm really happy for you," Finn answers and embraces her tightly.
"I think I also found your parents," she declares in the hug.
"Really?" Finn pushes her back. "Who?"
"They were friends, our parents, lived on the same planet, in the same city. I could take you there one day if you want. They disappeared, probably taken by the Empire during a night. Never seen again. It was a really regular thing back then."
"Oh," is all he responds to this.
"I know, Finn, that was also my reaction. But what is that supposed to change? We're still orphans, and we have been alright with it for years. Your family is here," Jannah tells him sincerely.
He lifts up his eyes again and looks at her. Jannah has been gone for months and she is finally there, he realises how much he missed her.
"Do you wanna come into my family?" Finn asks full of hope.
"I'd love to, Finn." She takes him in his arms again. As they walk into the base, a crowd to welcome them back has formed. Cheering and whistles come from every corner of the room. Jannah scurries to smile, covering her melancholy from the audience and Finn. She hasn't said everything to him yet and she doesn't know if she will.
"This place got big," Lando notes.
Poe had arrived too, helping them to go through the crowd. Everyone wants to talk to Lando, ask him question. He is an idol and a symbol for the New Republic.
"We'll leave," Poe announces. "Back to Chandrila."
"Oh, it's a beautiful place," he says while smiling at the people. "That's great."
"I'm happy you're back," Poe adds.
"Me too. But it has been a really great time with Jannah."
"I'm glad. You can do what you want, you know. If you want to fly away with her again, you can."
"Thanks Poe, but I rather settle down a bit."
They finally arrive at the at the end of the crowd where Rey stands. She just came running. She has so much to do, she's a little overwhelmed with Jannah and Lando's return.
"You look great," he says after the greetings.
"Thanks." She let her hair down and her dress is darker. A smile is across her face, but she adds: "I'm sorry, I have a lot to do, I'll talk to you later."
Rey doesn't wait a response and leaves. A week until they leave and she still has some problems to solve. Her steps head to Shana, who comfortably sits on a chair. She's in the middle of a discussion with some young boy, who scoffs at the words she says. As soon as Rey comes closer, she feels the aura that is surrounding her. The Force is around her and this strength that she also found in Ben covers her body. Shana notices Rey and whispers words to the boy before standing up and joining her new Jedi Master.
"Hey," Rey greets, still panting.
"Hi, Rey," she responds, her lips in a wide smile.
"I'm sorry for the first time I saw you, I was a little confused."
"It's okay, thanks for letting us stay," she answers with the little accent.
"You're welcome." Rey waits a little, unsure how to start. "Do you know the Force?"
"Yes, of course! We have stories for our children with it. Some of our people ages ago had it. They are our idols."
"I think you may be Force sensitive," Rey gets out.
The smile fades and her mouth opens up instead. Her eyes widen too, but not in shock or disapproval. Rey notices the sparks in her pupils, this news makes her the happiest woman alive.
"Me? But none of my ancestors did! It's a different family branch, I don't think that's possible."
"Why? The Force chooses, it's not always something you inherit. The first one in the family, how does he get it then? It seems really strong in you."
"I am the clown of my people," she adds, but there is still this grin on her lips. "I learned your language from my father who passed. But I'm a clown and dancer to entertain my civilisation. I don't deserve it."
"You do. The Force is always right, Shana."
"Then show me," Shan responds challenging and stretches out her hands to Rey.
The rain stops them from going out and training there, so Rey brings her to her room. Shana's brown gown flies at her quick steps, the impatience perceptible on her whole body. First exercise after sitting down on the ground is feel the balance, the people in the building. Success. The vision is right about that. It reminds Rey of her first days with Luke. Next problem: lifting a book.
"Like that?" Shana asks when she takes the book in her hands. Rey's concerned look makes her add: "I'm juts kidding. I know some stuff about it already. Let me try."
Rey fixes her eyes on the experiment. It moves so little its nearly impossible to see. But it does suddenly leave the floor and floats in the air. When Shana opens her eyes, the book falls back. Of course, a smile that disappeared because she was concentrated, reforms proudly.
"My mum is going to be so happy," she giggles. "Can you teach me?"
"That's my job. I'm searching for people like us in the whole galaxy to teach them the ways of the Force."
"Will I have a lightsaber? I've never seen one, only heard it in stories." The joy and curiosity sparks in her eyes, which makes Rey laugh. She has more motivation than Yugantar and Finn together. Rey takes her lightsaber out and turns it on. Shana's attention is fully active and her mouth and eyes widen again.
"Yellow! That's beautiful" she exclaims. "Mine should be yellow."
Rey remembers the vision and how she protected the Temple. She might get a yellow one.
"You don't choose your colour. The things you did decide it. Usually red lightsabers are for Siths, but I want to change that. It doesn't mean you are a Sith anymore, all Jedis can have red ones now."
"Okay," Shana just answers. "Red is great too. I mean all colours are amazing."
"You're really cute, Shana," Rey laughs.
"Thanks," she giggles. "You too. You should smile more."
"Well, I'm trying. It's just a really stressful day. Everyday," she adds. "But I'm noting it. And I still have to tell you something. To become a Jedi, you will have to leave this place and follow me on Chandrila. It's a beautiful planet."
Her smile suddenly leaves, she didn't think about that.
"Let me talk to my mum about it," she says after some time where Rey just fixed her. Shana stands up and leaves. Rey notices that her body isn't as mature as it was on Yavin IV. Her face still has some fat on her cheeks. The energy that she spreads to the environment infects Rey too. She's probably not the only one. The affection that she has for this naive girl suddenly puffs out. The hypothesis she has about the vision has to be right so she can let it out more. Following her to the canteen, Rey looks at the delivery of the news. Her family's smiles are similar to her and don't leave as she adds that she would have to leave. Rey turns around and decides to go on with her list. She knocks at Yugantar's door. Since her return she hasn't talked to him properly. He lets her in mumbling without looking at who it is. Bowed over the table that everyone owns in their room, he seems concentrated.
"What are you doing?"
"I am doing some experiments with my new hand." He turns around to her and stretched out his metallic hand. Yugantar takes a pen in his hands and tries to draw. The lines and circles are deformed, but Rey sees the previous tries who are much worse.
"You are doing progress," she notices. "Did the operation go well?"
"Yes, perfectly, I wasn't conscious," Yugantar answers trying not to think about the dream. "But I have a question. What about Yavin IV?"
"Who told you about that?" Rey answers asking.
"Poe. He told me about when you went there. He thought I might know things because I'm Force sensitive."
"Ah. Well, we haven't figured out yet. But I think I might know. How are you doing? How was your training? I'll train you more until we find new Jedis. I hope some will help me teach all the others."
"I don't know if I am good at teaching. But we could have a fight with my hand today if you want."
"I'd love to," Rey answers with a smile.
"Can I ask you a question?" Yugantar says.
"Of course, go ahead."
"How do you know that you like someone?"
"Well, I don't think I can tell," Rey starts thoughtful. "I've only been in love once. And I showed it him with insults. I think there people in this base who can answer that more than I do. Like Poe." A smile suddenly stretches on her lip when she asks: "But why?"
"No reason. I've never felt love and I just wondered how it feels like."
"But how it feels like and how you know if you love someone is a whole different question," she notes.
"Yeah, yeah, I know. I guess, I'll ask Poe."
"Is there someone? I know it, I can feel it!"
"No, I'm telling you there is no one. I was just wondering."
"I got an eye on you," Rey smirks.
Yugantar takes the pen and starts drawing more forms. Rey leaves him to it and keeps walking. She wants to train again like she did before Palpatine. Only the rain is stopping her from going outside. She decides to go back to her room and start packing.

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