57 under arrest

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57 under arrest

With an aim, Poe walks through the white hallways. But he has to pretend it's a coincidence when he sees Kenna. With her blond brown hair tied in a ponytail and her small height, she could be just a random person. But her confidence when she walks makes everyone turn to her. Poe walks past her, then turns around and calls out her name. Suspiciously, she turns around and examines Poe from his head to his feet.
"And you are?"
"Poe. Dameron. I was in the control room on Florrum with Yugantar."
"Ah, yes! I'm bad at remembering faces."
Is she?, Poe asks himself. If his theory is right, it would be quite contradictory. "Do you need any help? The base is pretty big."
"Very kind, but no. I got a map of the base."
"Oh. I don't have one. Where did you get it from?" Poe lies, he has one. He's just trying to get some information.
"I got it from the control room. And it's hanging in the entry."
"Right, yeah, of course."
"And you are applying for the position of General?" Kenna remarks.
"I'm sorry, I arrived yesterday and I didn't visit the whole place already."
"Well, I did."
Kenna changes the leg she puts her weight on. "Why do you care?" One of her eyebrow lifts.
"I'm trying to get to know you. I mean, if you become my friend's girlfriend, I want to know if you're trustworthy."
Kenna seems to understand where he's trying to get, turning her defence mode on. "Why couldn't you trust me?"
"I don't know, lot of reasons. You could be very mean, betraying him for some greater good. You could be a cannibal and eat him, or be a murderer, who knows? Spy for the Empire or for someone else. Maybe you are also a super nice person that just has constant mood changes, from what I've heard. I don't know if you can trust someone that loves you and suddenly is super mad and wants to rip all your limps out of your body."
While Poe spoke, a smile, rival and crucial, draws on her face. It didn't scare him, still he called for security with a touch on his wristband behind his back. 
"Well, I can tell you that you will never have to trust me, because I don't like Yugantar."
"Mood changes, told you. You like him and suddenly, he's your enemy. If you want to harm him, I'll be standing in your way. You'll have to go through me, a future General."
"You'll never be one. I can tell you that."
"Well. I can tell you that you are under arrest for suspicion of spying for the Empire."
In this very moment, the guards arrive and take her away. She yells in despair.
"Wait, wait, let me explain!" she screams out before the guards close a door.
With a hand sign, Poe tells them to let that door opened. He moves closer to her. "You'll be in my office in an hour and we will have a talk. You'll have all the time to explain it to me there," Poe says with a smile, that doesn't look sarcastic but fully is.
Kenna sits on the other side of the table, tied to a chair. Her eyes show hate and anger, but Poe widely smiles.
"So, explain."
"You will have to ask me more specific questions, Dameron," Kenna answers annoyed.
"Are you spying for the Empire?"
"If I did, why would I just tell you?"
"Because if you don't, you'll stay in custody until we find the real spy," Poe explains. "We have analysed the transmissions in the last weeks, we've noticed that information did leave the base to a person. Would you like me to tell the name or do you want to do it?"
"Just do. I won't know the person anyway."
"General Cade Griltz."
Kenna's face expression doesn't change a bit. She has a very good poker face or she's really not responsible.
"Have you heard of him?"
"Yes," she says to Poe's surprise. "He worked for the Empire some time ago. He escaped, wanted to join the Resistance. Very unfortunate for him, because he got caught and landed in the prison. By now, he's probably out."
"Have you ever met him?" Poe questions.
"No," she answers this time.
"When you got arrested, you said you wanted to explain things. What was it?"
"This question is too unspecific."
Poe understands that she is challenging him, wants that he asks the right questions to know that she is indeed the spy. Maybe he also just understands her wrong. "What have you done since you arrived on Ajan Kloss?"
"I got shot in the leg by you, I recall, I was lying in the hospital. One day I went on Naboo with your friend Yugantar and he showed me his house. I've studied the galaxy's map. I can name more than hundreds of planets, with its sector."
"And why would that be necessary in your life? As a General, maybe, but you? Why would you need it?"
"Showing off, basically," she says and tilts her head.
"To whom? You don't have friends, right?"
"I – I might use it for a job later."
"Answer my question," Poe orders amused.
"Will you stop having fun? You're really not taking anything seriously enough."
"Oh, you don't know me. I am a very serious person, but when someone keeps lying, I don't really know how to take them seriously."
"Are you telling me that I'm lying?" Kenna exclaims nearly offended.
"No. Never."
Kenna uses her leg to step against the floor angrily. "Stop it, would you?"
"Then tell me what you wanted to explain, please, Kenna."
"I – "
"Keep going."
"I – I do like Yugantar," Kenna says her head low.
Poe frowns confused, but he sees that she is sincere, if it's not acted. "What does that have to do with anything?"
"He came to me every day and helped me out. He listened to me how no one ever did. I kept talking about the beauty of the Empire, it certainly was annoying. He still visited."
"He's scared of you. Of your sudden anger."
Suddenly looking up, Kenna has tears in her eyes. "Scared?"
"I don't know, I'm just interpreting."
"I hate you."
Poe sighs. He thought he came closer, but no. "I should have shot you in the stomach," he whispers.
"I'd rather be dead too."
"Why would you say that?"
"Because I'll stay in jail for the rest of my life," she confesses.
Interested, Poe leans towards the table and lets his arms rest on it.
"I did it. I sent information to the General Griltz, I knew that he was still actively involved with the Empire. He never wanted to leave, he just disappeared and worked from another planet. I won't tell you where he is. When I got to know Yugantar, it changed everything. I really like him, so I kept sending less and less information. Griltz has never answered or asked me where I went. When Yugantar tried to kiss me, I suddenly realised that he was still on the wrong side. So when I arrived here, I already started collecting information that I could send."
"Why are you telling me everything? If you are so loyal to the Empire, why are you telling me the truth?" Poe questions.
"Because I know you have compassion. You will understand me. We can have a deal. You let me rot in a prison, but won't ask where Griltz is."
"We're not a one party democracy. We will need people that represent the Empire and we will have to work together instead of destroying."
"What will you do to me?" Kenna asks in despair.
"You will get a trial and I won't be there to have compassion."
Her eyes water and let out the tears. "Can I talk to Yugantar?" is what she asks. "Please?"
"I'll ask him. I'm done here. The guards will take you back to your cell."
Poe leaves the room and stops for a while before walking away. Compassion? He maybe felt a little sympathy for her, but not any compassion. More like pity that she really believed that the Empire was doing good things.

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